Scribblings of an Irish artist~photographer
May 2018

Very pleased with this ad designed by Kathleen Finnegan for
the Lighthouse Digest coming out in the next issue
December 2017
Well folks I have survived cancer, but overcoming the
effects of chemo it a challenge. I wrote a piece about what I
went through for the Irish Times and you can read it if you
wish at:
We chatted alien movies
May 2017
I am not writing many blogs at the moment as my main task
is overcoming cancer, which I appear to be doing thanks to the
fantastic medical staff of the Mercy and CUH hospitals in
Cork. Of course if I snuff it my paintings will be worth a
fortune to someone. Speaking of which my friend Jim Jewel has
written a wonderful blog about me. Here is the link:
I am really pleased with this new oil painting, must be
influence from the chemo drugs

The Hidden Valley, oil on canvas
June 2016
I've been flying my drone round Kenmare, taking aerial
shots of the hotels Park and Sheen Falls. Maybe you would like
to see them

May 2016

I painted the above oil in the afternoon of May 14th,
blissfully unaware of what was going on a few miles away in
Castletownbere. I had got myself this big blank canvas and
went at it with Prussian blue, some raw umber, greens , Paynes
Grey andsome white, lost in my own world creating one of my
best paintings in a long while. After I had finished I took a
picture, and put it on my website. Then the phone rang with
the worst possible message I could have got. My dear friend
and mentor Dick Grogan had passed away in the local hospital
and so without a moment's hesitation I decided to dedicate
this oil to his memory and it pains me to think he will never
see it, or anymore that I do.
Dick, who was a senior journalist for the Irish Times,
bought the very first oil painting I ever sold, at the Beara
Arts Show in Castletownbere in the year 2000. Then he bought
several more, and began showing my work off around the
country. On one occasion he took me up to Dublin so I could
show my work to the galleries up there. He also took me round
the galleries in Cork city. He arranged an exhibition of my
work at The Old Market House Arts Centre in Dungarvan in 2005.
The show 'The Elements' was launched by the artist Tim
Goulding and was my most successful show ever selling 17 oil
Over the years Dick has always been there, telling me when
I had done something good, and suggesting how I could have
done things otherwise. We didn't always agree, but he was
always there to give me support, and if he ever saw me in town
he bought me a meal.
I shall find it hard carrying on without him, but at the
same time I know he wouldn't want me to stop. I attended his
'reposing' at the funeral home, but couldn't face seeing him
being lowered into the ground. I was painting while that was
going on.
I would just like to say thank you Dick for being such a
big part of my artist's life
Wild Atlantic Way blogpost
April 2016

After a long mental block I have returned to painting
scenes close to my heart, up in the mountains and valleys of
Beara. This one shows Seamus going after the sheep high up in
the Caha Mountains of Beara. You can see my
Art Gallery for others

The Great & Co shop of Castletownbere, which specialises in selling locally made crafts of the Beara Peninsula has produced this super calendar showing off 13 of my top images on high quality paper. All bases are covered, Castletownbere, Eyeries, Dursey, Allihies, Ardgroom, Kenmare, Glengarriff. So what are you waiting for order your's now before they are all gone. SOLD OUT

here's a really lovely book about postcards which is now available in my Beara Bookshop.
Love from Cork - Postcards of the City and County
by Perry O'Donovan €9.99 + shipping
Postcards conveying people’s messages and interests were the Twitter, Facebook and email in pre-Internet Ireland. Millions were thrown away but not all. Based on private collections from Adrian Healy and John James, Love from Cork portrays the city and county of Cork through a century of Irish and European picture postcards (1900–2000). In addition to the postcards there are transcriptions of all the written details on the cards. Interspersed among these are extracts from the rich literary heritage of this part of southwest Ireland: William Trevor, Frank O'Connor, Elizabeth Bowen, Sean Ó Faoláin, Peter Somerville-Large, Mary Leland, and others. Also included are writers such as James Joyce (who set a significant episode of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man in Cork city), Benedict Kiely and Robert Lloyd Praeger.
Even Queen Victoria features – there is an excerpt from her private journal giving her first impressions of Cork’s harbour and the ‘Cove of Cork’ (renamed ‘Queenstown’ in her honour). There has never been a book on the postcards of Cork, covering the city and county from Allihies to Youghal, from Clonakilty to Charleville and just about everywhere in between. This is a finely wrought homage to the author’s native county, an absorbing collection inviting one to explore Ireland’s largest county in a bygone era

Pictures above and below are of the backdrop to my 00 train layout. I decided to paint the backdrop with oils. I hope people won't want to be buying these pieces as they are going to be difficult to get off the walls, screwed on tight!!

September light is here at last, making shots like the above possible again. This is Ballycrovane on the Beara Peninsula
For anyone interested in purely lighthouse news then please visit my Lighthouse News page where you will hopefully be pleased with what you see
I have been invited to do an exhibition of my oil paintings opening December 9th at the Lauragh Lodge Restaurant. The exhibition will run into the New Year

Long and eagerly awaited book launch takes place

Connie Murphy, who started the Beara Historical Society, is well known in Beara for his knowledge of ancient monuments and archaeology. His book 'The Prehistoric Archaeology of the Beara Peninsula' was a massive labour of love and it certainly shows. Beautifully produced by The Beara Historical Society it was launched in Twomeys Bar, Castletownbere August 23rd, by Ursula Egan. The above picture shows Noel Harrington TD with Connie, proudly clutching his copy of the book

The book which comes with a brilliantly detailed map of Beara showing the sites of everything from wedge graves to standing stones is available to purchase online at The Beara Bookshop

One of the best groups to play the Regatta in a long while The Springsteens brought many people into The Square in Castletownbere. I have put up several pictures of the crowds, click here to see them

Farmers in Glenbeg watching their friends rounding up sheep high up on the mountain
I kicked off August with a fab boat trip round Bantry Bay, getting up closer and personal with the Calf, Roancarrig and the Bull as I ran the Bantry Bay Boat Trip for the second time this Summer and this time I shot a video going through the Bull tunnel using my 5D mk2, this can be viewed on my Bantry Bay tour page
A spin off from my Irish Lighthouse tours is the boat trip to the Bull Rock on the north side of Bantry Bay. During the Summer months this is possible to do if the weather is reasonable. I did one yesterday, August 2nd 2014. Leaving Castletownbere we went down Berehaven to Roancarrig lighthouse which has one of those fancy led lights on which replaces the traditional tower light, see picture below. The metal structure to the left of the traditional tower

We then went along the south side of Bere Island and straight to Dursey Sound, passing under Ireland’s only cable car, before heading out into the deep blue an choppy waters of the Atlantic. For awhile the waves were coming over us, but as we headed further out it calmed a good bit although to say it was in anyway calm would be untrue. Got a great view of Calf, Cow and Bull rocks in a line. The Cow is looking increasingly like an elephant see below, which I took in June 2013 on calmer seas note the trunk

passing through the famous tunnel a few times, where I shot a video with my 5D mk2 which you can watch here. After that we went through the arch in the Cow before returning home to Castletownbere. Due to weather restrictions this boat trip isn’t possible all the time, but when conditions are favourable it is a lot of fun. If you would like to join me on one of these boat trips then please may I refer you to my Bull Rock Boat Trip page. I gve a talk along the way as we pass points of interest, like Garranes Retreat, Neil Jordan’s holiday home etc. I charge €75 per person for this 3 hour boat ride which includes cost of rib, pilot and fuel for the ride. Groups of 8 or more I charge €50 pp. Maximum number I can take is 10 in one trip

About to go through the Bull Rock tunnel
August 3rd saw me head up Hungry Hill for the second time in one week, I guess I'm trying to lose weight!!. Got a great shot of Adrigole harbour

Really pleased with this one, you can see for miles in it
The highest mountain on the Beara Peninsula presents a challenge to many people, some only doing it once in their lifetime while others go up frequently. The late Dr. John Lyne went up three times in one day, and often took groups of people up there. In his honour there is a parking space left for him. I went up with him on a couple of occasions, one of them in dense fog, could not see further than the people climbing beside me. I thought for sure we wouldn’t go all the way up, but we did.
I climbed the mountain twice in one week, which is good for me, maybe Dr. John would be proud of me. The first time I went up the Western side which involves walking round the base of the mountain to the turf bogs and then going up a ravine. I felt really pleased with myself, but unfortunately I only took my 28mm wide angle lens with me which is not wide enough to do some of the shots I wanted. So the following Sunday I went back up there, this time going up the south side and taking with me my 17-40L super wide and 85mm lenses. I went up mainly to vent out my frustration for I had done a market stall in The Square in Castletownbere for 6 hours and not sold a single thing, not even a postcard for 40c, sod all, 6 hours wasted. I was well frustrated so I went and climbed the mountain and pushed myself to see how fast I could get up it. I did it in 1 and a half hours, which I felt was quite good for me
I was rewarded with some stunning views like the one above of Adrigole Harbour, which I have already made an enlarged print of and you can see all the way to Whiddy Island with a tanker off it. The print has really good resolution, and will easily enlarge to 40×30 inches

I have long had a passion for painting moonlight scenes, which nags some people who tell me my work is too dark. The more they say it the more I like to paint in this vein. Here is a scene of fishermen rescuing their long boat as a storm approaches

I've been painting a backdrop to my Hornby 00 layout. I thought about it for awhile. a long while, perhaps too long, wondering what I should do and then I just went ahead and painted some scenes. I got some of the throwaway ply the local builders merchant was throwing out, thin bendy stuff. At first I stuck sheets of paper a friend was throwing out, backing paper to the rolls of sticker sheets he uses for making labels for cars and vans. Painting onto this proved a bit difficult and so I tried painting without it, ie straight onto the ply and that worker a treat. I used oil paints like I normally do for painting onto canvas. I am really pleased the results

I spent the first weekend of the month in the wilds of Mayo

In October of last year I brought out a couple of snow scenes Christmas cards, one of Eyeries, the other of Ardgroom. I also brought out some greeting cards of oil paintings I had done and found they started selling. The tourists had more or less gone so the locals were buying them. So in February I ordered some more, adding to my collection. I found they sold quicker if I lightened my subject matter up. This sort of goes against what I stand for, ie painting to keep people happy. The amount of people who consistently nag me about my paintings being too dark is unreal. However for the sake of the greeting cards I lightened up. The paintings themselves do not sell, and rather than waste the canvases I will be painting over them and putting on my darker scenes, like my moonlight paintings which I love to do. I still find it amazing that people always know best when it comes to my art work. For years people have been telling my paintings are too dark and gloomy. They are not dark and gloomy at all, they are atmospheric and when the spotlights hit them they come alive. There's over 150 hanging on walls in private collections around the World so I guess I know better than the people who think they know best. Anyway here is a link to my range of greeting cards. Enjoy the cards because the actual canvases I will paint over. One, in particular, Barleycove, I have already painted over because the person who wanted it done asked me to make Crookhaven more obvious, which very reluctantly did, then she asked me to make the waves stormier. To keep my clinet happy I made the village more obvious and I brushed up the waves. So now it only exists in greeting cards form
Got the chance to be in the lantern room of Galley Head lighthouse as dusk descended enabling me to get super shots of the lantern lighting up

This happened during the 5th running of the Southern Irish Lighthouse Extreme Tour which I have tweaked a bit each year to make it better and better. This year I added in a tour of Little Samphire Island and we got given a great tour of the lighthouse after a short boat trip out to it. The weather was with us, lots of sunshine and for the most part flat calm seas. We started off by going to Inisheer for a pony trap ride through the narrow high walled lanesThe boat trip to the Bull Rock was amazing, and we also got to visit Skellig Michael and meet the puffins. All boat trips took place, although the one to the Fastnet tested us a good bit as a storm had whipped up overnight after our Bull Rock trip. Michael O'Driscoll handled his boat Blue Thunder well. There was only one really scary moment when the boat leaned to one side. He asked us if we wanted to go round again and we all agreed that once was enough. As usual we spent two nights at Galley Head lighthouse living at the keepers cottages. We also went to Hook Head lighthouse which was enjoyable although perhaps a bit of a long drive. For 2015 we are going to visit Ballycotton lighthouse instead which makes things much more manageable for us
Something so magical about a lantern all lit up, a moment to treasure. Galley Head is on the south coast of Co. Cork, Ireland. I give workshops there. Photographers meet me there for 2-3 days to learn how to take better shots of lighthouses. We all get to stay in the Keeper's Cottage

On the way to the Bull Rock we pass the Cow, and in this picture it looks more like an elephant. (I suppose we should keep that between ourselves!) I feel the tunnel was once much longer than just the arch it is these days. Decay is showing both on this and the Bull and possibly in 500 years these two magnificent rocks will have crumbled into the sea altogether
I have a page devoted to news about lighthouses called Lighthouse News for anyone interested. Gives details of things you wouldn't find on my blog
Tour dates announced for Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2015
The tour from Inisheer to Ballycotton following the Wild Atlantic Way will take place from June 20th to 28th. One place has already been taken, a year in advance

The Southern Irish Lighthouse tour visited Valentia Island on June 23rd for an overnight stay at the Atlantic Villa in Knightstown. We were there to get our boat to Skellig Michael the following day. While at Knightstown I took a stroll out to the old slate quarry taking shots of the sun setting over the Blasket Islands. On my return I took some shots of Cromwell Point lighthouse

The Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour celebrates five years this month with the 2014 tour getting under way. I was asked in 2008 if I would put together a tour of Irish lighthouses and came up with a plan. The person who asked me actually backed out and I ended up getting no-one for the tour. So rather than admit defeat I boldly put on my website how great the tour had been and it was great to meet so many people. Two months later I had 8 people booked on the 2009 Southern tour in July, from which the above picture was taken as we rounded the Fastnet. (As you can see it was fairly rough out there, and we nearly didn't go as conditions the night before were desperate. The main reason I avoid July for doing this tour as there are always storms here in SW Ireland end of July start of August) Back then all we did was go out to Skellig Michael, Bull Rock and Fastnet. I didn't do a tour in 2010 as I was busy with my Collins Press book coming out. In 2011 we covered the south coast and went up the west coast and did the North as well. It was 15 days in the bus and we all agreed it was a bit too long. In 2012 I ran a Northern and a Southern tour, Northern in August and Southern in June. This tour was the first to include Inisheer and Hook Head. These worked very well and I repeated them again in 2013. For 2014 I have added yet another boat trip, this one to Little Samphire Island, and plans are already in place to do the tour again in 2015

Traditional musicians Catríona Harrington and Orlaith Murphy playing outside Kevin O'Neill's bar in Allihies during the Michael O'Dwyer Festival. Catríona won the best overall cup and Orlaith the Slow Air cup

I am now offering a free pen with the Beara Places set of cards

What started off as just a bit of fun has turned into a serious business enterprise. A year ago I would never have realised I would have so many people buying my greeting cards of my artwork. I now have 15 cards in the range. They are on sale all over Beara, in Allihies, Castletownbere, Glengarriff, Bantry, Eyeries and Lauragh, and also here on my website. I painted them in my studio here in Beara, West Cork and they are made for me in Clonakilty also in West Cork. Time to get scribbling, I mean who wants to receive a boring text message when they can get a beautiful painting on a professionally made card

Caught myself a nice sunset May 23rd, like the one here looking out across Kenmare Bay towards the Scarriff and Bolus Head. More pictures on my Latest Pictures page

I painted the above over the weekend to add to my collection of village and town scenes of Beara. This one, hopefully you recognise it, is Castletownbere. The first one I did was Allihies which is now out as a greeting card, and I have also done Ardgroom and Eyeries and they will follow shortly as greeting cards

I saw this rock breathing fire into the night sky, thought it was a bit unusual so took a pic of it
Really pleased with being selected as Number 1 tour on IrishCentral.
Here we are in the merry month of May with the flowers popping up everywhere, and a great feeling for getting out into the Beara mountains and valley to enjoy the fresh air. I was up the top of the Healy Pass on May Day and took this picture of the lake and the Pocket. It is two pictures which I 'stitched' together

I am pleased with the image. At first I was frustrated the lake was in shadow but on reflection I feel it looks better like that as it actually balances the sunshine looking up the valley. Prints are available if you would like one
I have returned to the brush with a couple of new oil paintings


and Allihies
painting them with a view to making greeting cards to add to my collection, they can be seen in my Beara Light Gallery

April 14.4.14 wasn't just a fancy date number we got a red moon here in Beara and I snapped off a few shots, and put this one on Facebook. Got 85 'likes' in the space of 24 hours. I go up the hill behind my house most days and yesterday I remembered to take my tripod with me, which was just as well. I was feeling really low after having a frustrating sort of a day and then i took this shot and put it on Facebook. I was stunned by the response I got. I just thought it was cool to see the moon 'rolling' along the ridge of the Miskish Range above Glenbeg. Prints available

I saw a fabulous sunset in the first week of the month, and took some shots like this one of the Kilcatherine Cairn which you can see on my Beara Stones page
I also turned 60, took awhile to get used to it but have accepted it now!!

I have brought out two more greeting cards, the above is called 'Fishing Community' and the one below is 'Will Our Path Ever Meet?' I hope like them

Above is proof the little people exist, taken in the forests of Beara
The Wild Atlantic Way is the big new thing from Irish Tourism and so I have created my own page of photographs from stretches of the route

My brand new 2014 brochure is now ready to download

The brochure advertises my greeting cards and workshops

Found some interesting waves at Ballydonegan Bay near Allies, March 18th and added them to my Beara Coast page |
Don Baker playing live at The High Tide Club in Castletownbere, March 15th. Hi res versions of these images and prints available on request |

I went up to Athlone March 12th to do a slide show for the Athlone Photography Club for what turned out to be a fun couple of days. I very much enjoyed giving the slide show to the members of the club and I am very grateful to them for putting me up in the Radisson Blu Hotel from where the above picture was taken from showing one of the bridges. As fate would have it on March 13th as I left to drive home the fan belt on my car snapped and I didn't get very far home. However this happened a short distance from Michael Moore VW garage where I was well looked after and while the car was being fixed the Secretary of the club Liam Kidney took me over to Portlick Woods for a great walk by the shores of the Shannon where I took the picture below. If you would like me to come to your club or company to perform my lighthouse slide show please contact me

This year I will be continuing my successful daily walks in Beara, taking people on guided wanders in Beara, showing what inspires me to paint. Taking with us a camera and a sketch pad we go off into the valleys. Far from the hectic lifestyle of the city, where the only hurry is a flock of sheep heading off up the hillside. If you would like to join me then please do, the page to visit is Beara Peninsula Walks. I look forward to meeting you and hearing your views on painting and taking pictures over a slowly poured pint of Guinness

The picture of the storm wave at Garnish has appeared on the front page of Inishore Ireland magazine. If you would like a print then Beara Coast is the page to go |
Art Gallery
Calendars 2015
Lighthouse News Page
Beara Bookshop
Beara People
Latest Pictures
Bantry Bay Boat Trip
Seascape oil paintings
Galley Head lighthouse
Lighthouse News
Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2015
Cromwell Point lighthouse
Lighthouse Tours of Ireland
Latest Pictures
Greeting cards
Beara Light Gallery
Beara Stones
Greeting cards
Wild Atlantic Way
Beara Coast
Athlone Photography Club
Beara Peninsula Walks
Greeting cards
Piper Rocks
Ardnakinna lighthouse
Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour
Fastnet lighthouse
Beara Coast
Print Library
At the Races
Cheltenham Festival
Seascapes Gallery
Mounted and framed
Slide Shows
Beara Coast
Greeting Cards
John Eagle Art
Beara Crafts
Print Library
Hook Lighthouse
Clare Island
An Post RÁS 2013
February |

I have created the above advertisement for my greeting cards
I was out at the harbour's mouth to Berehaven where a nice tidal surge was still evident after the recent hurricane

I love the sound the waves make as they pound the rocks. A dangerous thing to be doing, one has to be very careful and watch where the waves are breaking and how strong they are before venturing too close. In the above shot the waves are hitting the Piper Rocks and below you can see Ardnakinna lighthouse on Bere Island in the background which we pass close to on the Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour in June each year

Due to a cancellation 2 places have become available on my Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2014

Coastal road from Allihies to Eyeries during the February 8th storm. I saw where I needed to take the shot from, but getting to it in just the trainers I had on was a bit dicey. And of course when I got to the right spot the waves calmed down a good bit. So I stood on the rock getting wetter and colder by the second waiting for good waves to return. Nice addition to my Beara Coast page

Special offer on this image of the Fastnet lighthouse. For a limited time only the 30x20 inch print size is €20 off. See here

Returned to Garnish February 1st to see if I could improve on the storm pictures I took on Christmas Eve. I have added this to my page of Beara Coast views

The coast of Beara has been getting a pounding this year from numerous storms. Some people blame Global Warming but according to a farmer I met in my travels we always get bad winters after great summers. More storm pictures can be seen on my Beara Coast page
New oil painting greeting cards due for release February 2014

All the way to the Sea, Essex River MA

Waiting Out the Storm
I am using artistic licence for this one because I flipped the image horizontally to make the card as I feared the house might apear on the back if it stayed the way I painted it. Below is the correct way


Frosty renamed Winter's morning for the card

Meeting of the Rivers
Due to popular requests my prints are now available in print size 18x12 inches. This size is far better suited to 35mm cameras. If you do not see in the drop down menu of the print you wish to order please email me. I have not re-worked all the drop down menus
I'm launching my 'At the Races' tour of race tracks. We go to the races in Dingle and Allihies and visit horses all along the way

So if your love is for horses then this is the tour to come on

'Early Start'
oil on canvas, depicting fishermen makiing an early start to the day. My first oil painting of 2014 and I am thinking of making a greeting card of it. It can be viewed in a larger size in my Seascapes Gallery

I am introducing these new 7x5 prints set in an off white matt and then in a beautiful locally made wooden frame with glass approx 17x14 inches in total size. The above picture is one of my aerials of Roancarrig lighthouse

Slides shows of Irish Lighthouses. For a small fee I will come out to your club, society and give you an hour and a half digital slide show of my photography. Starting at my local lighthouse of Roancarrig and going up the west coast, along the top and back down finishing at the Fastnet (pictured) If you would like me to perform my slide show for you please contact me. I have given the slide show in several places including Limerick, Shannon, Dungarvan, Cork, and Massachusetts. I also do a slide show of the Beara Peninsula showing stone circles, lakes, mountains, the coast and everything that makes Beara so lovely

We had a powerful storm on January 6th. I took the above picture at the harbour's mouth to Berehaven showing the Piper Rocks and Ardnakinna lighthouse on Bere Island in the background. Prints available at Beara Coast
Happy New Year to all my blog readers
I kick off 2014 with getting a picture on the front page of The Southern Star newspaper

One of my shots of waves hitting the rocks at Garnish towards the end of the Beara Peninsula
Irish Ferries have been building an infographic site about the Wild Atlantic Way. They have built it around 10 tourism attractions in Cork and Kerry on the Wild Atlantic Way driving route that are less well known but that would be really fun or interesting to visitors. My own photographic website John Eagle Photo.com has been chosen by them as an example of great photography portraying the local area

Got myself some nice wave shots during the Christmas Eve storm. I went over to Garnish at the end of the Beara Peninsula and took numerous shots before I got the perfect angle. Other views can be seen on my Beara Coast page

Pictures of mine have appeared in the French nautical magazine Chasse~Marée, an article by Vincent Guigueno
There is a spelling mistake on my Lighthouse Dedicated website front page, it says Balbrittain when of course it should say Balbriggan, if you click on it it does goes to the postcards for Co. Dublin which includes Balbriggan. I have tried to change it but uploading to the old Indigo site is nigh impossible these days. I shall keep trying. If you would like to see pictures I have taken of Balbriggan then you can see them on this site I recently put all my lighthouse pictures onto this server and they can be seen by going to www.JohnEaglePhotography.com I managed to correct this on January 2nd 2014

Here I am with my stall at the Lehanmore Community Centre for the Christmas Fair
I've been re-working my art website www.JohnEagleArt.com

My stall at the Castletownbere Christmas Fair in the Beara Bay 2013, selling prints books, Christmas cards

'Meeting of the Waters'
Painted this one over 'Autumn in Beara'. I have no space for keeping paintings so might as well paint over them
November 2013
I've been updating my lighthouse website and one of the pictures that please me is this one

of Rockabill off Skerries. Looks like a model of the lighthouse

Here's myself with my Christmas Market Stall in Castletownbere selling both of my books, my Christmas greetings cards and signed prints

Sunset looking across Coulagh Bay to the Bull Rock
I am changing my website a small bit, moving all my lighthouse work over onto my main server. It will take a little while but should be worth it. It is time to say farewell to Indigo who I have been with since 1996. Going to be a little sad but they are expensive for what they offer

'Autumn in Beara'
Painted this November 19th inspired by the Autumn colours. You can see it and others I have done in my Landscape art gallery

Never ceases to amaze me how much An Post (Irish Post Office) charge for delivering my book in Ireland, a cool €6.50 When my book was first published in 2010 it used to cost just €3 to post, so it's more than doubled in postage costs in just three years. Hard to believe. An Post say they have reduced the cost of sending big parcels out to far away places, for people sending to their loved ones who have left the country. So to counteract this adjustment they have more than doubled the cost of mailing my book. In April they more than doubled the cost from €3 to €6.50 for mailing the book anywhere in Ireland. This makes my book more expensive than it should be, but with An Post controlling the cost of my book my hands are tied

I have linked up with Marion O'Sullivan, a fabulous designer of knitwear who lives on Bere Island here. She makes some lovely items for you to wear this Winter to keep you cosy and warm.
Check out her hand made items at Beara Crafts.com which hosts lots of lovely things made on the Beara Peninsula

2 of my prints of Duvillaun, an island which lies of the Belmullet Peninsula have been framed up and are now on display in the Tourist Office in Belmullet, Co. Mayo
It took awhile but Autumn has arrived here in Beara and the leaves are changing to some really beautiful colours
The above pictures I took in Killarney National Park

Roancarrig lighthouse in Bantry Bay getting a pasting November 2nd

Calm before the storm. Took this picture November 1st 2013, the following day I took the picture of Roancarrig above it. This picture I took on the entrance to the Lake Hotel, which lies on the way into Killarney from Ladies View. Just after coming past Torc Waterfall I glimpsed the sunset and turned left at my first opportunity which took me into the grounds of the Lake Hotel. I took several pictures, you can see some more on my Kerry page
October 2013

Went to Pulleen today, a place I haven't been to in years and yet it's not that far out of the way, just off the road from Castletownbere to Allihies. Nice spot, small harbour off Bantry Bay
Haley O'Sullivan the Rose of Tralee 2013 is from Texas, but her ancestors come from Bere Ireland. Her grandfather was from the island and she came to visit 13 and 14th October. I was lucky enough to photograph her during her visit. |
Heading out to the harbour's mouth on one of Harrington's boats, an old life boat. Behind her is Hungry Hill the highest mountain on the Beara Peninsula. Seated behind her are her father Joe and her cousin who is also Joe |
Here I am with Haley on the Murphy's ferry sailing from the Pontoon across to Lawrence Cove where she received a well deserved welcome from a large crowd of well wishers. My thanks to Niall Duffy for taking the picture |
Haley on the bows with Ardnakinna lighthouse in the background |
Farewell to Bere Island |
At Lawrence Cove with the super crowd of well wishers that greeted her upon her arrival there |
Bere Island children performing Irish dancing in the hotel for the Rose of Tralee |

I am doing some greeting cards of some of my oil paintings. 'Stolen Moment' above is one of them and the other two are

'Salmon Pooll'

and 'Beara Sunset'
These are folded over greeting cards with envelope, blank inside with my details on the backs. I hope to have them available for sale before the end of the month. You can see other examples of my oil paintings in my Art Gallery
Friday 11th was lovely here in South West Ireland so I decided to take a drive round mountainous half of the Ring of Beara and see what I could find. I had thoughts that maybe Barley Lake would look nice, or something on the Tunnel Road otherwise known as the Caha Pass. I took the dog for a walk about and hit on the idea of photographing the tunnel, which I don't think I have ever done before. I tried it with cars in it, red tail lights showing and without. I think without is better. Then I went to Kenmare for a chat with friends, get some shopping done and then as I was driving home from Kenmare I saw the leafy tunnel and I just had to stop and take the shot. At the time I was not deliberately doing a natural tunnel because I had earlier shot a man made one, I just thought it looked nice. Funny how things turn out
Near Kenmare |
Caha Pass |
I was posting a parcel today and wondering if I should send it registered or not. I decided against it for the simple reason that if the person is not in when it gets there, it goes back to the post office where it will sit for a couple of weeks and then be sent back to me. You would think the post office would try it a second time, you be wrong. I remember posting film to a lab in Dublin a decade ago, and always taking a chance by not registering it because the post got to the lab an hour or more before it opened and so there was never anyone there to sign for it, consequently the film would make its way back to me undeveloped. The post office worker is supposed to leave a note to say there is a registered packet at the local office but you know as well as I do that such pieces of paper get blown away or chucked in the bin because they look like junk mail. An instance arose last month when I sent a copy of my book 'An Eagle's View of Irish Lighthouses' to a customer in Orlando. I had to registered it because Amazon wanted a tracking number to prove I had sent it. Yeah you guessed it the customer was not at home when the book arrived and when she checked with Amazon they found the book was undelivered and on its way back to the sender (me). I rang An Post with the tracking number and they told me the book was sitting in a sorting office in Orlando and so I conveyed the news to the buyer and she managed to pick it up. I heaved a sigh of relief as I really didn't want to post it back again to Florida

Went for a walk in the Caha Mountains to sample some Autumn scenes

In my studio with one of biggest selling prints of the year, Duvillaun, an island off the Mayo coast

Why is it so difficult to get Stone's Ginger Wine here in the South West of Ireland? I have found a place that does sell it, at last, took a tip off from a friend. Can't make a whiskey mac without it
Saturday 5th must have been one of the hottest days of the year, I was stripped to the waist and wearing shorts
On a visit to Kenmare on October 4th it was great to see my first lighthouse book 'An Eagle's View of Irish Lighthouses' in the window of the Kenmare Bookshop. My book, which was published in November 1999, is still attracting a great deal of attention. There aren't many copies left, and the price of course has risen. It will be sad to see the stocks run out |
September 2013
Good to see one of the fireworks pictures I took at the Keepers Gathering at the Hook Lighthouse is in the current issue of the Marine Times newspaper

I have been busy in September. Went north to the lovely Belmullet Peninsula for the Blacksod Reunion and then the follwing weekend I went to the Keeper's Gathering at the Hook Lighthouse. Picture above shows me with copies of my Collins Press book which I signed whilst there. I had great time, good to meet so many lighthouse people and hear their stories. Picture below shows Duvillaun an island between the Mullet Peninsula and Achill. I was interested in the island because that is the name of the room I normally stay in when I'm in that neck of the woods at the Brú Chlann Lir B&B

Here's me in the Southern Star pictured by Niall Duffy at my 'Impressions of Beara' exhibition of oil paintings that opened at the Allihies Copper MInes Museum.

Spent the night of June 19th at the stunningly beautiful location of Clare Island lighthouse, beautifully restored and now open as a B&B
I have shot numerous video clips over the years, ever since I discovered how easy it was to upload them off mobile phones. Videos of Australia, Singapore, steam engines in England, model helicopters, lighthouses. I began originally with a small compact Canon, but it took hours to upload them on the Eircom Broadband. A video that went to YouTube using Eircom Broadband from my computer might take an hour to upload, whereas a similar length video shot with my phone and just as good quality would get to YouTube in a couple of minutes using the 3 Network. So if you would like to see my video collection please click here

Summer in Ireland, bucketing down with rain, but it does have its advantages, makes for great waterfall pictures and click here for a short video of the waterfall

I was on the Healy Pass this week to take pictures of the An Post RÁS cycle race, took numerous shots on the first hairpin on the Cork side of the pass, click here
Just returned after taking five people down the East Coast looking at lighthouses. We started in Skerries and made our way south via the Baily in Howth, then to Dún Laoghaire, Wicklow, Wexford and stopped in at the Hook lighthouse
where I took the above picture, and many more like it. Click here to see more

Went to a part of Beara today I have never visited before, and I'm not sure what it's called. In the distance is Gortahig
Prints of my work can now be viewed and purchased at Sean O'Shea's Fuji Labs shop in Kenmare or online from my site click here
We have been pounded by very high winds here on the Beara Peninsula in Co. Cork this April, and I have been recording some of the high waves

This was one of the shot I took, shows view from Kilcatherine Point looking towards Inisfarnard. See more click here
I have been back in the mountains enjoying the remarkable sunshine which has been so lacking in recent months. It started by climbing Lackawee, then I also went up the one on the other side of Glenbeg to look down into Cumeengadhra. It was bitterly cold up there with lots of icicles dangling
from the bog rims. Then after shivering there for a little while I went back to Glenbeg

and back into warm glorious sunshine. I then climbed a mountain near the Cod's Head and more recently I was high up above Cashkeelty
looking down on the lovely sights of Kilmackillogue above I have put many of these pictures on my Facebook wall, John Eagle. I am annoyed with Facebook. I know lots of people, and so added them and got myself banned for a week from adding friends. These were people I know, but they didn't respond to my friend requests and so I get banned which to my mind is bloody stupid and childish of Facebook. So I am not adding any more friends on Facebook, in fact I am ignoring the right hand side of the Facebook wall where all 'Add Friend' bits are. Here is Facebook trying to make me and you add friends and if you do as they want you to you get banned. Anyway the right hand side has tedious adverts so its best to avoid that side of the wall anyway

Surprised myself and a few people by taking to the hills March 27th to take some pictures of the Beara Peninsula from the top of one of the more dramatic Caha Mountains, Lackawee. The view from the top is always breathtaking. The picture above is looking towards the Cod's Head and Atlantic Ocean. The mountain has a dramatic sheer north face, falling abruptly into Glenbeg Lake near Ardgroom
I have been making models of the houses I put into my landscape oil painting scenes
This is the first of three models I have now put on sale. If you would like one then please click here
I have been taking pictures of some pretty amazing gorse (bog) fires on Beara
This is a gorse bush rapidly taking off on Knockatee Mountain

One of the things that really annoys me about Facebook is if I click on the 'Add Friend' suggestions on the right hand side of the screen the chances are Facebook will ban me for adding people I don't know or some other weird reason. They tempt me then they ban me. It has happened twice, yeah twice I have been banned for 2 weeks for adding those friends. So I guess the lesson here is don't pay any attention to the right hand side of the screen

An old bog on the Beara Peninsula
Very pleased with this picture I took during the week, looking across Coulagh Bay. While it might look like black and white I actually shot it in colour

Shot a video of Isabel O'Donovan in her Castletownbere shop

Grassy, Otway and Henry watching cricket in Somerville, more Australia pictures click here

Can anyone tell me what it actually costs to make a bottle of Smirnoff vodka? In the Canaries you will buy a litre bottle for €12, in England it works out at around €20 a bottle. in Ireland this rises to €30 a bottle. However if you think that is ludicrously expensive, try Australia. The price in the liquor store in Somerville on the Mornington Peninsula was a staggering €44 when converted. No wonder the duty free does such good business at Melbourne airport.
I went to Australia in October for 6 weeks, and the first and foremost thing on my mind was where to put Suzie. I hate kennels, I hate seeing my dog locked up in a cage with the promise from the kennel owner that she will be let out for walks. Thank heavens I found Bep. No kennels at her house, just lots of love and attention. When I returned home after 6 weeks Suzie didn't want to leave, she was sort of asking Bep if it was ok to go with me. So if you would like to have your dog lovingly looked after when you go away then I highly recommend Bep. See her details below
If, like me, you want somewhere to leave your car which is going to be cheap and safe then try these people
Very friendly people. You drive in, park your car and they drive you to the terminal. When you return you just ring the number on the card and they come to collect you. I paid €168 for 6 weeks there

My photography on the Department of Agriculture , Food and The Marine brochure for the new Dinish Island Pier

Went for a great walk in the mountains around Glenbeg and on my way back down to the valley I came across Mick 'Strock' McCarthy and his dog. I put the picture up mon Facebook and have never seen so many people take an interest in the picture. Relations of Mick from all corners of the circular globe!
It has taken 3 years, but finally I have got a postcard of Suzie out on sale. Here she is looking over Glanmore Lake in Co. Kerry

I have 2 new postcards for sale, these are of oil paintings that I have done
Click here to buy one or multiples. 45c each or 3 for a euro
I was interviewed by Maria Burke of Life FM on February 29th, to hear it please click here

Click here to view me painting one of my oils
You can follow my art work on Facebook if you wish

Was looking through some of my motor racing pictures I took in the 70s and 80s, like this one above of the Rothmans Porsche 956 being driven by Stefan Bellof (for which I won a competition). For more pictures from my archives please click here
Treated myself to a new album start of the new year, this one by Blake Millis. I was tipped off by a Tweet from Lucinda Williams, and felt, well if she thought he was good then it was worth checking him out. The album 'Break Mirrors' was released on the quiet by Blake in June 2010, with no fanfare. The album is very good and I have tried to to listen to other music since getting it, but keep going back to it. Blake is now playing on tour with Lucinda Williams and hopefully receiving the acclaim he richly deserves. If you would like to listen to some very skillfull song writing and instrument playing then try out 'Break Mirrors'. You won't find it at your local record store, you will need to download it. In the mean time watch some videos of him playing by clicking here
Happy New Year
I have started the new year off by making a video on what I look for in a canvas print. If you would like to see me explain this please click here

'Long Night at the Docks' is one of a new series of oils I have been working on. To see others please visit my Online Show I know some people are surprised by these new oils from me. It came about from me just wanting to do something different. I read an article in the newspaper about female gardai (police women) posing as prostitutes on the streets of Limerick to entrap men. I made the windows large to give the impression of big brother looking in on their world. I don't wish to offend anyone, and I hope I haven't.

Happy Birthday Suzie, 3 today. December 12th 2011
I hope this month will be drier than last month. Here we are on the first of the month and it hasn't rained for an hour, should we be concerned that we are in for a drought?!

Mizen Bridge wins Engineers Ireland Excellence Award. This mounted and signed print is available from me
I never understood why The Beatles released different albums in the USA to what they released over here. Why did they go to so much trouble?

My exhibition of oil paintings opened at the Eventide Gallery in Essex,
Massachusetts, USA, on October 8th.
The first time I have shown my work outside Ireland

At the opening of my show left to right: Teri Canelle (owner of the Eventide Gallery) myself and BJ Wayne who played the harp. Picture by Sue Gilkey

I have been putting new pictures of America on my site, please click here
I have put up a selection of pictures I took on the Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour 2011, to view them please click here

At the Fastnet lighthouse August 20th 2011 l-r Bette Keeping, Gerry Douglas-Sherwood, Claus Peter Hempelmann, Keith Morton (Hon. Secretary of the ALK), Nancy Ohlson, Kirsten Hempelmann, Judy Weeks, Laura Chewing, Kim Fahlen and sheepdog Suzie. Please click here to watch a short video. The Extreme Irish Lighthouse tour also visited Skellig Michael, Galley Head, Bull Rock, Hook Head and The Baily as well as many others. If you would like to come on the tours of 2012 please click here
The new Mizen bridge was officially opened August 4th 2011
The pictures on the side of this Shellfish De La Mer lorry were taken by me. The lorry goes up and down to Dublin delivering the first class products of Shellfish De La Mer. For more of my work click here |
I was at the consecration of the new temple at Dzogchen Beara by |
Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche Sept 1st 2010. To see some of the pictures I took please click here |
My thanks to Tom MacSweeney the maritime correspondent, served for many years with RTÉ tv and radio, now retired. He officially launched my new book Ireland's Lighthouses - A Photo Essay in the Kinsale Bookshop in Kinsale July 15th. |
l-r: Tom MacSweeney, Gillian Hennessy of Collins Press, John Eagle
picture: Denis Scannell, used courtesy of Irish Examiner
My thanks to the Irish Examiner for the great publicity they gave me in both the Examiner and the Evening Echo |
Lorna Siggins mentioned my new book in the Irish Times yesterday:
a stunning new paperback photo essay, entitled Ireland’s Lighthouses, which has just been published by maritime photographer, John Eagle, for Collins Press. Lorna Siggins, The Irish Times May 2010 |
Painted a couple of new oils over the weekend. |
Went over to Dingle last day of April, took the dog for a walk on Inch Strand and took some pictures |
My new book 'Ireland's Lighthouses - A Photo Essay by John Eagle' hits the shops April 12th |
I have some rolls of Fuji colour slide and print film looking for a good home, if anyone wants them. I also got some darkroom items, like negative printer, dev drums, spirals. If you would like any of these items, then please hit the Contact button and get in touch with me
My new book on Irish lighthouses published by Collins Press is now in stock. Please note, this book is much bigger to my first one and weighs a lot more, therefore the postage is more. Click here to order and I will post to you straight away. Please let me know if you would like me to sign it for you. My first book |
Picture shows my faithful white collie Quisha on the pad at Fanad
due for release in May can now be pre-ordered from my Lighthouse dedicated website www.JohnEaglePhotography.com The price will be €19.99 euros but you can order it direct from me 15.99 (plus P&P) and I will sign and dedicate it for you if you wish |
Went to the Official Premiere of the new Neil Jordan movie 'Ondine' starring Colin Farrell last night at the Beara Community School in Castletownbere. (A picture I took of Colin with Neil above) It was great to see all the local places I know so well up on the big screen and also catching glimpses of myself. I can be seen walking past a door and into MacCarthy's Bar as part of a funeral group. Colin was very nice to me, we chatted about photography and lighthouses and he was surprised to find my book in Kenmare. A great little movie, I thoroughly enjoyed it and I hope it does well. |
The series 24 is back on our screens, showing on Sky One. As usual there is corruption in the CTU Office, and there is a nuclear bomb gone astray, (how many gone astray til date? I lost count), and the head of CTU doesn't trust the actions of his agents and Jack doesn't want to be a CTU officer, but as usual he is persuaded to be one. The scriptwriters don't care much to stray from the plots of previous Days, they even have a President to assinate again. One wonders if they will ever match the tense keep watching thrill of those first twelve hours of the very first Day when Jack's daughter and wife were held hostage. Eversince then it has been its been pretty much the same plot only different characters. Still I suppose its a way to get thru a Sunday evening. |
January 2010 |
Took the above shot from Beara looking at the Kerry hills, (Reeks) 1st week on the New Decade |
December 2009
After watching the Top Gear drive from Bolivia to Chile I start to wonder how much is staged for the television cameras. I bet they started off where they ended, thinking to themselves that big slope would be fun to drive down, 'yeah but what shall we put before it?' That bit where Clarkson is driving close to the edge on the road to La Paz you will note he is on the left side of the road whereas in every other shot all the traffic is on the right. Why would he be driving on the wrong side of the road?
I have just finished reading the proofs for my new book ‘Ireland’s Lighthouses – a photo essay by John Eagle’ which will hopefully appear in May 2010, published by the Collins Press I am realy excited as they are doing a wonderful job of it for me |
October 2009

I have been painting a couple of new oils

Went up to Clare Island 3rd week of October as I needed to get better pictures of the lighthouse for my new book. To view pictures please click here |

I flew to America Sept 29th, Dublin to Orlando. My first visit to the United States since my Hawaii trip in 1984. I spent a couple of days in Vero Beach, Florida, with friends before flying with them to New Mexico for the Hot Air Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque which was fun but what really excited me was a couple of drives into the hills. First into the foothills of Sandia Peak, and then to an area west of Santa Fe which I believe is called Jemez where I saw colour that totally blew me away. Later in my trip I went to New England, visiting Vermont and a small part of New Hampshire.
What I can't figure out is why can America, heavily criticised for carbon emissions, can get by using 110 power supply but here in Ireland we need more than double that at 240.
Wheat problem: Before I went away I decided to have a bowl of soup and some toast. The result, after only a few minutes, was prickly skin and a red raw throat. So I told my friends in America I could not eat wheat, but got envious when they started eating the toasted burgers at Starbucks. So taking a huge risk I had some of the toast over there with no problems whatsoever. I had bread un-toasted, I had burger buns, all the things that would not make me ill. On the jet going over to Orlando they gave me a scone for tea and I got a bad reaction from it, on the jet coming back I checked the bun they gave me for breakfast and found it came from Chicago and I got no side effects whatsoever. What in God's name do they put in the wheat here in Ireland?? In case you suffer as well and need a cure from the effects of Irish wheat, like itchy skin and sore throat... I find by eating an unsweetened pink grafefruit the irritation goes away.
September 2009
After months of conveyor belt rain we have been blessed with an Indian Summer here in Beara and I have been taking full advantage of the fine weather by escaping into the mountains to take some shots. The grass is now a gorgeous golden bronze. |
So here are some shots if you would like to have a look |
August 2009
The Tudors series 3 is coming to BBC, having watched the edited highlights on TV3 earlier this year I am keen to see each episode in full. Particularly the last one which was shown the night of a torrential downpour meaning transmission was largely interrupted.
I have treated myself to a record player so I can listen to some of my old vinyl favourites. Many of old vinyls haven't really stood the test of time, Klaatu for example sounded awful when I played it again. However a real gem from my archives is the George Harrison produced album 'The Place I Love' by Splinter

Try doing a search for Splinter on Ebay and you get all manner of results that have nothing to do with this group. They seem lost in the void of time, and yet they were really good with a great hit Costafine Town. The music seems to be owned by The George Harrison Estate, so maybe his lovely wife Olivia would allow this fine album (with her much missed husband playing so fabulously with Bill Elliot and Bob Purvis) to be released on cd for the masses to enjoy once more
It was called Extreme Lighthousing by some, tearing across the waves to see lighthouses up close and personal. I thought it wouldn't be possible to show people the Bull Rock lighthouse when the Dursey cable car broke down. (Didn't expect that it would take all year to replace a cable!!) However it presented me with a challenge on how to get people to see the Bull Rock.... Speedboat was the answer and what fun it was. Find out more on my lighthouse website click here
July 2009
Water Flow

A new photographic exhibition
Click to view
I wish Ubisoft would get its act together and sort out the disconnection problems of its online gaming. I thought it was just me being cut off but it appears to be everyone suffering because the Montreal based software company can't get it Far Cry 2 right
Special Offer
A2 canvas print (24x16 inches) €100 plus postage
A3 canvas print (16x12) €80 plus postage
Available on any picture on my website. No need for a frame, just hang it on the wall. Makes for an affordable present for that special occasion that will be greatly appreciated
On July 8th my show 'In Search of Little People' opens in Dungarvan at The Old Market Arts Centre.

I drove over there in June, taking 20 new oil paintings. |
June 2009
I have just added some new aerial views of the western end of the Iveragh Peninsula. To view please click here
Realised an ambition June 3rd when I flew out to the Blasket Islands to re-take a picture of Inishtearaght that had been annoying me since I took it back in 1996. |

The picture above was the shot in question, cut off on the right hand side. There was also an orange reflection problem as my survival suit was visible in the helicopter door. So I hoped that one day I would be able to do something about it and June 3rd my dream came true when I flew out there with the very kind assistance of The Commissioners of Irish Lights and Irish Helicopters pilot Cap. Peter Hodges. See picture below.
Click here to see more shots
A fan of The Beatles all my life, the only thing that kept me sane after the droll of boarding school life, I have collected most of their albums and films. The only one missing was Let It Be. I kept hoping it would appear tv. I just wanted to see it again after all these years. Finally gave up waiting this month and bought it off a guy in Australia. It was great to see the movie again, see the 4 rehearsing the songs and getting up on the roof only to have the law step in and shut them up. The dvd has its limitations in sound quality, but the picture has transferred well from video. Apple must have restored the video themselves because the parts of it that appeared on the Beatles Anthology looked great. They should release Let It Be properly on dvd.
I have been photographed by reknowned award winning photographer Peter Zoeller. He called to my house in April and took several shots of me in my studio. I am very happy with the pictures he took especially this one:
Portrait by Peter Zoeller
One of the things people ask me is, 'are you still painting?' like I would think of giving it up for some weird reason. I have probably been more productive in these past few months than at any time for a long while. I have a show coming up at the Old Market Arts Centre in Dungarvan opening July 8th so I am hardly going to be caught napping. Here is one of my new oils, painted during the past week.
The Way through the Forest, just follow the path and enjoy the journey |
Went over to the INEC in Killarney 16th and 17th to watch the World Series of Snooker. Great to see this level of the game being played in the South and at a venue close to where I live. Also marvellous to see 4 young amateurs being given the chance to play the best players in the professional game. Tony Moore from Cork dazzled against Ken Doherty, as did Jason Devaney from Ballina against Jimmy White and is surely a player to watch out for. I decided before I went over there that I was going for the snooker and not to be a photographer so I only took my little compact Canon with me. So here are some of my pictures. I am wondering how many of the 25,000,000 viewers wondered who that was waving behind the compere. I hope I didn't blot my copybook too much, but we were all urged to give the World a great Kerry welcome....at least that's my excuse. |
Yes, that's me behind compere Sean giving a wave
John Higgins, Jimmy White, Sean Murphy and Ken Doherty waiting to sign autographs after the event |
Sean Murphy with his prize |
Sean Murphy with John Higgins |
For a shot like this I wish I had taken along my EOS 5D mk 2. Sean Murphy lifting his cup, Jimmy White to the right |
Patricia Murphy from Co. Clare setting up the balls. I asked Snooker's top referee Jan Verhaas if she might be in a ranking event soon, but he said it could be a few seasons yet. I think it would be really good for the game if we had an Irish referee and Patricia would be a very good example |
Ken Doherty getting some much needed practise in |
Sean Murphy is so good he doesn't really need to practise, but its fun to watch |
Another frame about to start |
Patricia Murphy and Jan Verhaas |
The Rally of the Lakes came round Kilcatherine today, May 3rd, the usual loud exhaust pipes etc. Also five helicopters showed up, in fact at one time there were 6 in the area. The picture below shows 5 of them sitting in a field just west of Kilcatherine graveyard, and you thought there was a recession in Ireland! |

Canon EOS 5D mk2 + EF 200 2.8 |
For many years I suffered from ingrowing eye lashes, and would have trouble getting them pulled out. Many places, like opticians refused to do it in case their staff damaged my eyes. I usually had two, maybe three to be yanked out. I tried setting up my own series of mirrors and a pair of tweezers in a bid to do it myself. Nigh impossible. I got an appointment to go to Cork University Hospital, where the specialist told me in no uncertain terms that I did not have ingrowing eye lashes. I tried to argue, telling her I had had them pulled out on a regular basis. No point arguing with those people, all I was doing was running up a higher car park bill by staying at the hospital longer than I needed. So I wondered what on earth was wrong with me, and tried asking around. I had known for awhile that my body dumps sugar through my eye lids, a not very nice experience but my previous GP had the same problem. So I wondered if this might be adding to my problem and made stringent efforts to avoid anything sweet. The problem lessened but didn't go away. All this while I had eye tests and amazed doctors by reading the bottom line of the test chart. Then one day it hit me, yeah like straight between the eyes! lol. I had gone onto Ryvita to help lose weight, as friends had told me how much wheat adds to being heavy. I gave up eating bread, brown and white and within a couple of weeks my figure slimmed down. But not only did the figure slim down, my eyes became a whole lot better and for the first time in decades I felt my eyes watering again, meaning I no longer needed to use eye drops from bottles. I now knew for certain wheat causes the problem because I was in the local pub for a do and they brought round freshly cut sandwiches and within half an hour of eating them my eye lids became really sore again. Every now and then I treat myself to a slice of bread, but only to regret it. To be honest I don't think the yeast is helping much either, might be why I have trouble drinking things like Guinness and wine. So without bread and sweets my eyes are feeling a whole lot better, and the sensation of them watering up now and then is an experience I am enjoying all over again. Ryvita can be nice too, especially the variety with pumpkin seeds.
I will be releasing two new lighthouse postcards towards the end of this month, 2F and 3C. This is with the very kind assistance of Sue Hill at The Herons Cove in Goleen and will have the Mizen sponsorship on them. To see both click here 2 F is below

Fastnet 2 F
What I like about this one over the others is you can see the rocks on the right of the main one and it also has a boat in the background
Rang a friend at the weekend and found that like me she no longer watches the news, or reads newspapers. So I emailed a few more friends to ask them if they were doing the same. 'Oh, for months,' was the general reaction. If there are so many of us that are bored to tears with the way tv and newspapers doll out the economic drivial all the time why don't they cotton onto it and change to something we want to read and hear about? The day after the Irish Budget on April 7th I bought a newspaper to see what the Budget was all about and it made fairly depressing reading. Afterwards I asked myself, 'do I really need to read this shit?' The answer is most definitely NO. So apart from getting the Irish Times on Saturday, as I always do, (mainly for the excellant Magazine) I have not watched or read any news and my life is so much better. I no longer feel cast down thinking my life is going down the drain. Life has improved dramatically. So if you are a journalist or a newspaper baron, please take note of our reaction and quit reporting on the dull things like this so called economic downturn. |
Shelter from the Storm |
Here's a new oil from me. As the upheaval of life gets greater so does the size of the waves. These ones I am really pleased with, as I have got them actually flowing or at least they appear to. More of my seascapes can be viewed in Gallery 2 It has been said to me that people would not be out in such waves, but the point here is they were not rough waves when they started out fishing.
The Beara Camera Club, which I founded in 1991, holds exhibitions in Castletownbere's library window each month. A topic is selected and one can either choose a picture from file or go about taking a picture especially for each show. This month it is Hats and Shoes, and this got me thinking for a long while what I would do. It got the old grey matter churning in my head and I found it great fun to put something together. Below is a picture I concocted with help from Sharon Crowley in her boutique The Dressing Room, Castletownbere's leading ladies fashion wear shop. |
This is the original picture I took |
I didn't much care for the wall colour nor the stand the boots were standing on, so I made some changes |
Three Castle Head
Took some aerial photos of Three Castle Head on April 2nd 2009. This is a fascinating place, castle by a lake, cliffs and an ancient atmosphere. Click here to see my pictures.

There's a great flowering of gorse this year on the Beara Peninsula. Here we have some of it near Lauragh with Knockatee Mountain in the background |
Please note, this enlarger below is no longer for sale |

The new helicopter is fabulous, a Eurocopter 135, ever so comfortable and smooth to fly in. You can see samples of my new shots by clicking here |
One of the things I fail to understand is the purpose of the donkety dong clock in 24 starring Keifer Sutherland. It makes a fierce racket, wakes me up from time to time. Ah maybe that's what its for, to keep us awake as we fall asleep during the padding bits like when the President is getting all lovey dovey with her long lost daughter. Or maybe the clock is there to warn us there is yet another tedious Sky 1 advert break coming up and its time to fast forward on the Sky + Jack tells us at the start of each episode that events occur in real time, not sure what this means either as there is absolutely no way this can be true. One minute the characters are here and before you know it they are all the way across town. They have no trouble getting through the traffic jams, maybe they don't have such things in America lol. When it was shown on BBC then it was in real time, but ever since it went to advert crazy Sky 1, where you only get 38 minutes of each 1 hour long episode, things have gone ape shit.
Great to see Formula 1 has moved to BBC, now we can watch it without being interupted to be told what baby wipes and tampons we need to get thru our lives!
I am now able to offer my prints in 7x5 inch format mounted in off white card, hand signed by me individually for just €9.95 + postage. Please click here to see them
I have oils in exhibition in the Eventide Gallery opening in Massachusettes USA, July 2nd.
Click here to watch video of me preparing my art work 
I have been invited to exhibit oil paintings at the Eventide Gallery in Massachusetts, and hope to have some work hanging there in July
Took some new shots of the new Mizen Bridge
Click here to see more
The roads are empty, you can now drive for miles at peak times without meeting another car, just like it was in the 60s before people had cars. The Irish Government has us all locked down with heavy fuel tax. Petrol, like bags of coal, are now a luxury item. My question is: What good is this doing for the economy and morale when we are restricted from going out? How do you get Ireland moving again if we are not able to move? And why are those of us who had nothing to do with creating the economic crisis being punished for it?

Took some pictures of LE Niamh the Irish frigate in Castletownbere. To view more pictures please click here
Helen Joyce has welcomed me into her Kenmare gallery. I am really pleased because it is a lovely space to hang paintings and I feel truly honoured that she wants my work there. My thanks also to Sarah Walker for her recommendation to Helen Joyce of my work

My painting 'Morning Mist' hanging at the Millcove Gallery, Castletownbere, for the Beara Arts Show where it won the prestigious Sarah Walker Award

My 2011 brochure, please click on it to download the pdf


'Knockatee Boat' printed on canvas

I have long been a fan of Lucinda Williams. 'Essence' was one of my all time favourites, along with 'Sweet Old World'. I played 'Car Wheels on a Gravel Road' until the cd wouldn't play anymore and ended up replacing it with the double cd collector's version. So it was that I was all ears when I heard Lu was bringing out a new cd 'Blessed'. To be honest I didn't think much of it on first couple of plays, but half a dozen plays later and I am totally hooked. This new cd is a masterpiece.

I went to Gran Canaria end of January for a week to get some much needed vitamin D. I have put a page of pictures up, click here if you would like to see them

A warning sign in San Nicolás, Gran Canaria, preventing you from most things
Happy New Decade to everyone
Not sure I care much for the loud music during the intervals between snooker matches. I suppose we have to put up with piped music almost everywhere but somehow it just doesn't seem the right thing at a snooker match
New Year resolution: Only watch the News after 15 minutes has passed cos that way you don't have to sit through all that depressing recession garbage which is no good for anyone. Avoid listening to it and you will be a happier person. Same with reading the newspapers, skip the front page!

My dog Suzie out on snow in Kilcatherine click here for more
Here is one of my favourite shots of the year, took it in Lauragh, Co. Kerry

For more please click here
We have had a large dollop of snow in Beara, I don't recall ever seeing snow this early in the year before.
For more pictures please click here

I have taken some new aerial pictures of the Skelligs. In the picture here you can see Skellig Michael in the foreground with Little Skellig beyond. To view more pictures and see the beehive monastic settlement from the air please click here

One of my pictures on the side of the Shellfish de la Mer lorries




Coulagh Bay from Kilcatherine |