Lighthouses of Ireland news and other stories by John Eagle
Check out the November/December issue of the Lighthouse Digest magazine.
I have an article in it on flying drones round lighthouse
I've been getting new aerial shots of the
lighthouses, taking the pictures with my 20 mega pixel drone |
Arranmore proved a challenge
for me as it is quite a distance from where I live, and after
undergoing major cancer surgery I was unable to drive there
myself, so I waited unril the 2018 Northern Irish Lighthouse
tour came along hoping for good weather |
Galley Head was one I really
needed to do, with rough waves and plenty of surf and as you can
see I got it right |
The Baily lighthouse watching
over Dublin Bay was one I had shot before, but the waves were
better this time |
St. John's lighthouse in
Co. Down with some nice surf |

The Northern Irish Lighthouse tour group at Fanad lighthouse where we
stayed for a night

ILV Granuaile the Commissioners of Irish
Lights tender that goes round the coast of
Ireland supplying the lighthouse with
equipement, repairing buoys and
maintenance tasks
seen here stationed in Berehaven
Sound off Castletownbere from my drone. I
took a few pictures, you can see the other
on my Latest
Pictures page

Posing with the July 2018 edition of the
Lighthouse Digest. Kathy Finnegan, the
editor, has given me numerous free
mentions in her great magazine, so this
year I thought I would pay for a full page
advertisement. I sent her the images, and
she did the rest, designed it and put it
on the back cover for all to see. You can
purchase my
books, postcards,
tour and
prints here on
this site. Signed copies of my books and
calendars at no extra cost, just ask me

Galley Head near Clonakilty
Prints available

new shot of the Fastnet taken during the
Southern Irish Lighthouse tour 2018
Prints available

The Southern Irish Lighthouse tour group
2018 enjoying meal at The Local Dunbrody

Some of the Southern Irish Lighthouse tour
group at the top of the Hook lighthouse

Southern irish lighthouse tour group
inside Hook lighthouse
My calendars for
2019 are being printed here in West Cork,
both A3 in size
Calendars now available to purchase,
signed copies on requwat

Very pleased with this ad designed by
Kathleen Finnegan for the Lighthouse
Digest coming out in the next issue
I have some new shots of Galley Head

Prints made to the highest possible
standard and mailed all over the
I got lucky with some new aerial shots of
Ardnakinna lighthouse in rough seas

Nothing like a spot of wave action. Some
might say I was very brave to be flying my
in such stormy conditions, but the wind
wasn't that bad but the sea was rough. My
drone has a 20 mega pixel camera on it
so the images I got are nothing short of
marvellous and you can own some prints for
your wall
from my Zenfolio website
While I was flying around I also shot a
video which you might enjoy looking at

For the fourth successive year the
Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour sold out
months in advance. I have now announced
tour dates
for the 2019 Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour
June 22nd to 30th 2019
2 places already taken, only 6 left
Book now to
avoid disappointment

Flew round Mine Head
lighthouse in County Waterford October
8th 2017
took several shots and made a
Flew round Roancarrig lighthouse September
22. 2017

Watch the video
Also prints of
Roancarrig available

My Irish
Lighthouse Calendar 2018

This framed print from one of my Skellig
Michael shots was presented to President
Trudeau of Canada
by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar during his visit

My 2018 Beara
calendar is now available to order

A canvas print done correctly is really
nice, like the one above where you cannot
see the wood of the stretcher it is
fastened to.
Nothing worse than seeing the wood through
the canvas. I specialise in making 30x20
inch bevelled canvas prints
I have updated my
Blog after the 3 week lighthouse tour
in August. This was a privately arranged
tour by a group from California who wanted
to see Ireland their own way and hired me
and Tommy Hartnett to take them round. We
got to stay at Loop Head, Blackhead and
Galley Head lighthouse keeper's cottages
and see some really interesting things.
Sheep dog trials, a church service where a
rock band played songs of worship and we
got to watch the fog machine starting up
at St. John's

There are other videos including the
lantern working after dark at Galley Head
and folk music at St. Jame's church in
I update my blog every now and then so if
this is of interest please call by
July 2015 sees the release of four new
postcards of Clare Island lighthouse |
#1 Clare Island lighthouse with Achill
Island on the horizon
#3 Clare lighthouse in close up
#2 Clare Island lighthouse with Achillbeg
in the background
#4 Clare Island lighthouse with the steep
cliffs below
I have a new shot of the Fastnet
which I took on a visit there towards the
end of June 2015
Prints up to 40x30 inches can be ordered
from my Fastnet
My blog on the Southern Irish Lighthouse
tour 2015 is now available
Southern Irish Lighthouse 2016 is now
open for reservations |
My interest in photographing buildings
stretches beyond liighthouses. When a
local house here on the Beara Peninsula
won the coveted RTÉ television programme
Home of the Year award I was keen to go
and photograph it, and requested
permission from the owners. On the 2nd day
of June I was allowed access and took
severval pictures which you can see in the
section of my website |

Really pleased with my 2015 flyer
advertising my tours and high speed boat
trips, can
download for free

I made a trip to the Bull Rock May 21st
2015 which was good fun. A bit choppy on
the way out, calm but raining on the way
back. Still we saw lots of wildlife, being
joined by dolphins going out there. They
came in close to the ribleaping out of the
water which was a great sight to see
The cave entrance |
Old lighthouse |
The old oil works on the east
side of the Bull, right above the
cave |
I shot a video at the Cow and Bull
Rocks with my Canon 5D mk3 for the
first time as I didn't have it the last
time we went there. If you would like you
can watch the video on my
Zenfolio website. It lasts about 2
Lots of new postcards now available including helicopter landing at Ardnakinna lighthouse

See my lighthouse postcards and scenic cards The above postcard is not in the Irish Lighthouse Series, it does not carry a number
Position: |
007°59.13'W |
007°59.13'W |
007°59.13'W |
Character: |
Fl WR 10s
(0.6 + 9.4)
W238° - 048°(170°)
R048° - 238°(190°) |
Fl WR 10s
(0.6 + 9.4)
W238° - 048°(170°)
R048° - 238°(190°) |
Fl WR 10s
(0.3 + 9.7)
W238° - 048°(170°)
R048° - 238°(190°) |
Elevation: |
59 m |
59 m |
59 m |
Range: |
W21 Nautical Miles
R17 Nautical Miles |
W10 Nautical Miles
R8 Nautical Miles |
W18 Nautical Miles
R14 Nautical Miles |
Please note that the Northern Lighthouse Tour is sold out, there a few places left on the Southern Tour
Galley Head lighthouse
I had the good fortune to visit Galley Head lighthouse, April 15th. The Attendant Gerald Butler is very good at what he does and gave us a great talk on the workings of the lanter and history of Irish lighthouses in general. He served on many of the Irish lighthouses during the year and wrote a great book called The Lightkeeper Here are some of the pictures I took |
Galley Head stairwell
image code: JEP 736D |
View from the balcony of sun setting over West Cork
image code: JEP 734D |
Galley Head lantern
image code: JEP 737D |
Galley Head lantern
image code: JEP 735D |
More pictures on my Galley Head page |

Love from Cork - Postcards of the City and County by Perry O'Donovan
Is a beautifully produced book showing a collection of rare postcards from the county of Cork

One of the postcards, which might interest readers of this website, is of the Fastnet lighthouse showing the original cast iron lighthouse
€9.99 + shipping can be purchased here online from Beara Books

Due to popular demand I have reissued the postcard of my oil painting 'Returning Home in Beara'
and while I was at it 2 brand new ones. They are available on my postcard page
Kish Bank |
St. Johns Donegal |
Rockabill |
Rathlin O'Birne |
Tuskar |
Slyne Head |
It was sad to hear the passing this week of the helicopter pilot who flew me to the lighthouses pictured above. Capt. Mick Hennessy was one of the nicest you could possibly meet, very calm and highly skilled at flying helicopters. He first flew me to the Tuskar in the 90s, and after dropping off the keepers on the rock he lifted off and told me I could open the door. I was a little alarmed because I had never been allowed to open the door before. He told me I couldn't take pictures through those windows of the Bolkow. I was strapped in of course and soon became used to taking pictures without something in front of me, no relfection to worry about. On another occasion I remember going up to meet him at the Ballyconneely golf course. I arrived a bit late and I saw him hovering over the shoreline, when I was up at the club house where I thought he would land. I rang hm on his mobile and he came back for me on his next trip to the lighthouse an hour later. I remember as he few me round he asked me how the launch of my book had gone. It was end of November 1999 and my first book 'An Eagle's View of Irish Lighthouses' had just been launched at the Maritime Museum in Dún Laoghaire. Lorna Siggins of the Irish Times had written a lovely article and thanks to her the phone hadn't stopped ringing. I returned home that evening to an answerphone filled to the brim with messages. I had left home that morning at 4am driven to meet Mick and returned that evening. Quite a long drive but well worth it. Rockabill was another, the Kish, Rathlin O'Birne, St. Johns Co. Donegal and Baily aerial shots I am indebted to this kind man. May he rest in peace |
Tina Ertzeid of DigitasLBi has mentioned me in a blogpost for the Park Inn Radisson at Shannon Airport

I am very grateful to Kathy Finnegan of the Lighthouse Digest for sending this great picture to everyone on her mailing list
Slainté Kathy

Castletownbere fishing fleet
I have re-issued this postcard, 40c each or 3 for a euro

'Moonlight Smuggling'
I first painted a scene similar to this in early March, but was not happy with it, so I went at it again March 14th and am really pleased with the result
My paintings are based on places on the Beara Peninsula. I am inspired by what I see here. John Eagle is my website

Seamus the two headed sheep out for a stroll on the shores of Coulagh Bay this afternoon. Have you visited my new prints page recently?

Many of you already know this but for those who don't my photographs are available on a sister website to the one you are presently on. This is my Zenfolio website where there are such things as slide show, blog, and my photographs available on mugs, t-shirts, bookmarks, metal prints, buttons and a host of other things that I cannot display on this website. So why not go along there to:
New light Structure and Source
I have received this update from the Commissioners of Irish Lights concerning Dunree
The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 08 May 2015, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, a new structure and light will be installed at Dunree. The range and arc of visibility will remain unchanged.
Existing Light |
New Light |
Position |
55°11.89’ N |
55°11.89’ N
007°33.24’ W |
007°33.25’ W |
Character |
FL(2)WR5s |
FL(2)WR5s |
0.5 + 1.0 + 0.5 + 3.0 = 5s |
0.6 + 0.9 + 0.6 + 2.9 = 5s |
R 320˚-328˚ |
R 320˚-328˚ |
W 328°-183˚ |
W 328°-183° |
R 183°-196˚ |
R 183°-196˚ |
Range |
W12 Nautical Miles |
W12 Nautical Miles |
R 9 Nautical Miles |
R 9 Nautical Miles |
Elevation |
46 Metres |
49 Metres |
Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place. |
There is to be the establishment of Racon at Foyle Buoy Station
55°15.322'N (WGS 84) |
Safe Water Mark |
006°52.616'W |
LFl 10s |
RACON Character: ‘M’ |
MMSI No. 992501230 |

Radio Navigation Warnings will be issued when the above changes take place.
Places are filling up on my 2015 lighthouse tours of North and South coasts. Don't miss out on these great tours

I was lucky enough to get a boat trip to Little Samphire Island, January 22nd. Siobhan King from Failte Ireland in Limerick was going over there with a camera crew, making observations for the Wild Atlantic Way. The trip was arranged by John McGibney of Fenit Harbour Office. We left from Fenit harbour on the Kerry Colleen 2 for the ten minute boat trip to the lighthouse, cruising round the western side first before making our landing. Once ashore we entered via the gate in the wall and proceeded to the lighthouse to view the generators, then the solar panels to the west of the tower. A tour of the tower followed and then we went into the buildings. All this on a gorgeously sunny day with fabulous views of snow covered Dingle mountains

The above picture is of myself beside the solar panels
So now I am looking forward to June when I shall be bringing out a group to the lighthouse on the Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour
It is becoming a rare sight to see the helicopter in these parts, as they don't need to make so many flights with these new led lights taking over. The buildings are no longer looked after the way they were, and over time I suppose they will crumble away and the interiors will gather fungus. I am just so glad I did the flying to the lighthouses when I did. I started flying in 1993, and throughout the 90s and much of the noughties. Few people want the postcards that I made, and with so few helicopter flights I would not be able to do all that photography today. I suppose it will soon be a case of seeing what's left of the lighthouse buildings as we make our annual lighthouse tours
With the Euro at a 9 year low people are finding it a great time to come to Ireland for holidays
Northern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2015 is going ahead in the first week of September, if you would like to join us you will be most welcome
Here's a video I have shot at the harbour's mouth to Berehaven, covering the Piper Rocks and Ardnakinna lighthouse which stands on the western tip of Bere Island. I'm afraid there is a bit of background hiss, due to the savage wind that was blowing. I used a dead cat cover on the mike, but it didn't realy help. Anyway if you would like to watch this quick video then please click on Watch Piper Rock Video You will be taken to my Zenfolio website
The Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour in June 2015 will now include Hook Head lighthouse. We always went to the Hook, but usually from Galley Head which made for a long drive. So I have changed the last two days of the tour. After Galley we will follow the coast to Kinsale making our way across Cork Harbour to Roche's Point and then to Ballycotton for a boat trip out to the lighthouse. We will finish the day in Youghal and spend the night there, then the following day we will go to the Hook and come back along the coast to see some more lighthouses finishing the day in Cork that evening |

The Irish Lights helicopter, the Eurocopter 135 lifting off from Ardnakinna lighthouse, now available as a print
Buy a print of the above

My shot of the Fastnet on the back of West Cork Coaches of Ballydehob bus

Went for a flight in the Irish Helicopters Eurocopter135 (above on the pad at Castletownbere helipad) September 26th and shot this video. It shows the flight from the helipad at Castletownbere to the lighthouse at Ardnakinna (below)
The Irish Lights helicopter owned by Irish Helicopters coming in to land at Ardnakinna lighthouse |
Whilst out on an assignment this week I managed to get some interesting pictures of the Irish Lights tender ILV Granuaile (ILV = Irish Lights Vessel) in Doyles Dry Dock, Cobh where she had been undergoing a service and paint job |
Here she is as the water begins to flood the dock. You can see her bow and stern thrusters which keep her positioned at sea |
The helicopter pad |
Overall view which i took from a cage lifted high into the air by a huge crane. Just to the left you can see the old ramp on which ships were built |
Irish lighthouses are changing the way the lights are being exhibited.
The old traditional tower of Roancarrig, now switched off, and its modern day replacement LED
I am changing the information as I get them from The Commissioners of Irish Lights. Lights that have been changed so far
are Inishtearaght, Ardnakinna, Skellig Michael, Eagle Island, Roancarrig, Bull Rock and Inisheer. This is a long and fairly
costly exercise which is being done over a few years. However the purpose is to cut down on maintenance costs as these new
LED lights do not need to be attended to like the original lantern lights did.
Star Wars location

Skellig Michael, Co. Kerry, SW Ireland
We visit the island on the Southern Lighthouse tour each June, to see how the gannets, puffins and thousands of other birds are coming along. Apart from being famous for birds the Skelligs (Little Skellig the gannet colony is in the background) is visited for the monastic settlement that was ravaged by the Viking raiders a thousand years ago. There are numerous pathways on Skellig Michael, one on the north side that descends steeply to sea level which you will see on my tour. Most visits to the island don't see this. There are 2 lighthouses on Skellig Michael, the old derelict one you can make out in the upper left, and the that replaced it in 1967 in the lower right. The traditional lantern in this tower has been switched off, replaced in 2013 by a Vega 4 tier led light positioned on the balcony. The new LED state of the art light is being installed at many of the lighthouses around the coast. These new lights last for a long time, estimates say maybe 18 years, which vastly cuts down on maintenance and helicopter running costs. The new LED light on Skelligs is published as 12nM (nautical Mile) range.
The character is Fl. (3) W 15s: Fl 0.3, ec 2.3, fl 0.3, ec 2.3, fl 0.3, ec 9.5 = 15s
In August 2014 the rock became famous for another reason, the new Star Wars movie was shot there for some scenes, the George Lucas team showing up with the Jedi Knights and one wonders who else, C-3PO, Chewbacca.. Certainly helps to generate interest in the release whenever that might be. I personallly haven't been to the cinema in a very long time, (as the nearest is quite a distance from me) so maybe this might just sway me to make the effort. Exhibition quality prints are available of the above view of the Skelligs. These prints are carefully wrapped and mailed all over the World by registered mail included in the price (ie free shipping)
I got the chance to be in the lantern room at Galley Head when the lantern came on

and this is one of my favourite shots. Sadly this sight won't be possible for much longer as the fancy new led lights take the place of the traditional lanterns. Still enjoy while you still can. There's something so magically about a lantern all lit up to warn ships of the danger lurking out at sea. Prints available

Bull Rock flat calm for the visit of the 2014 Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour
I shot several videos with my Iphone during the 2014 Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour, Skellig Michael was one of them. On YouTube look up John Eagle

Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2015 dates announced. The tour will run from June 20th to the 28th. Starts in Ennis finishes in Cork and follows the Wild Atlantic Way. Please note 2 places have already been taken for this tour leaving 6 available

Galley Head lantern. We spend two nights at Galley Head lighthouse and I will show you how to get shots like this
Really pleased with being selected as Number 1 tour on IrishCentral.

The above lighthouse map showing where the Irish lighthouses are is now available as a free download on my postcard page. Just download and print it off
Slide shows
Would you like me to come to your club, society, office meeting and do a slide show of my Irish Lighthouse Photography?
Due to a cancellation 2 places have become available on my Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2014
The Perch in Garnish lost its top during a violent storm just before Christmas 2013, above left shows how it used to look. Middle picture shows it with the top gone |

Pictures of mine have appeared in the French nautical magazine Chasse~Marée. Vincent Guigueno who wrote the article met me in Eyeries in July
I have just added a page for Ardglass lighthouse on my website

I am changing my website a small bit, moving all my lighthouse work over onto my main server. It will take a little while but should be worth it. It is time to say farewell to Indigo who I have been with since 1996. Going to be a little sad but they are expensive for what they offer

Roancarrig lighthouse getting a pasting November 2nd during a storm |
Two sets of my Irish Lighthouse Series have come to light. Barry Harrington handed them to me yesterday, saying they were from the days when he had the Old Bank Restaurant which, for those who don't know, used to be above where Aaron Byrne's The Web shop is now. (There was once a big hill there, hard to visualise now) It was like opening something from a time lock safe, to see what cards were inside. There were only 91 in those days and many of the postcards are no longer in the current set of 100. One of the cards is Old Head of Kinsale 5B above right. Thank you Barry. |
A fascinating article written by Australian artist Pamela Griffith has been sent to me about her great, great, great, grand father George Halpin Senior (1779-1854) who was responsible for designing many of Ireland's lighthouses. Click here to read her article

The 2014 Rose of Tralee Haley O'Sullivan at Ardnakinna lighthouse, Bere Island. Haley's grandfather was born on Bere Island, then moved to San Francisco. Haley was born in Arizona and now lives in Dallas, Texas. You can see the lighthouse yourself on the Southern Extreme lighthouse tour 2014

Here I am with my Collins Press book 'Ireland's Lighthouses A Photo Essay by John Eagle' at the Hook Lighthouse Keepers Gathering |
On my way back from the Hook Lighthouse I called in to visit Mine Head, something I've meaning to do for some time, as I wanted to brush up on my shots and seeing as it was such a lovely day I seized the opportunity. Not the easiest of lighthouses to find, it was the inspiration for writing my first book 'An Eagle's View of Irish Lighthouses' to that other people would not have the problem I had when i first tried to find it |
I was at the Hook lighthouse Keeper's Gathering September 13-15th 2013, great fun, good to meet so many people who have worked for Irish Lights, and I got the chance to sign some copies of my book and take new pictures |
Eagle Island, Co. Mayo
Picture on the left was taken in 2012, the one on the right I took September 2013. The difference? Look at the height of the tower
The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 01 July 2013, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, a new cap and a new flashing light to replace the existing rotating optic will be installed. This will necessitate the provision of a temporary light of reduced range for a period of approximately 24 weeks from the evening of 01 July 2013.
The existing dome and lantern will be replaced with a new steel cap with the light mounted on top. |
Spend the weekend at the Blacksod Reunion, got to photograph Broadhaven above, go inside Blacksod and take pictures of Eagle Island |

My postcards are now available at 3 for a euro, 3 of the same or a variety of 3 click here
Eeragh lighthouse shot from Inishmore during the Northern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2013 |
The East Coast Tour for 2014 is sold out, however there are places available for the Southern Tour
On the Northern Irish Extreme Tour 2013 one of the nicest things was meeting Sean Martin who came with the tour group up the west coast, along the north and down the east as far as Dublin. Sean is the son of a lighthouse keeper and always has had a keen interest in lighthouses. I learned during the Southern lighthouse tour 2014 that the pottery has now closed which is sad

Sean is pictured above on the left of the 2013 Northern irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour group at Balbriggan, the others are l-r Sean's friend Sigi Mercelot, Susan and Ian Turnbull, Charles and Marnie Bash
New for 2014 Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour, a new guided tour, and boat trip |
The lantern room |
The tower |
Looking towards Dingle |
Station and view of Dingle |
A boat trip from Fenit out to Little Samphire Island in Tralee Bay where we get a guided tour inside the buildings and up the tower of the lighthouse and go inside the lantern room, so you can get shots like this (above). Click here watch a video I shot at the lighthouse

See the Fastnet up close and personal on the Southern Irish lighthouse tour 2014

The Commissioners of Irish Lights hereby give notice that on or about 25 September 2013, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit, the present light at Inishtearaght Lighthouse (A6408) will be replaced with a new LED light. As a result, the range of the new light will be reduced to 18NM. All other details remain unchanged.
Existing Light New Light
Position 52°04'.54 N 52°04’.54 N 10°39'.66 W 10°39’.66 W
Character FL(2)W20s FL(2)W20s
Visible - Visible -
318° - 221° 318° - 221°
(263°) (263°)
Range W19 Nautical Miles W18 Nautical Miles
Inishtearaght is notoriously difficult to land on by helicopter or boat
Duncannon Fort, Co. Wexford
My thanks to Greg Steffenson for the pictures, taken on the Southern Lighthouse Tour 2013 |
Customised Lighthouse Tours. If you would rather come on tour round Ireland's lighthouses outside the set tour dates then please let me know. I can structure a tour to suit your tastes. I can also change the date of the Northern tour to July if you so wish, even run it in mid winter when the waves are most severe |
The 2014 Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour dates are:
June 21st to June 29th
I can take 9 people on my bus, but only 8 can fit into Galley Head lighthouse, therefore the first 8 who book will be allocated a room at the Keeper's Cottage |
I have added a page of feedback on my lighthouse tours |
Get up close and personal with an Irish lighthouse |
Light up your World with an Irish Lighthouse Tour |
Little Skellig from Skellig Michael |
Going through the Bull Rock tunnel |
The Cow Rock arch |
Members of the Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2013 visiting Youghal
l-r Tommy Hartnett the bus driver, Greg Steffenson from Arizona, John Eagle tour organiser, Bonda and Ted Garrison from Florida and Kisa Nardine from Arizona |
Visiting Cromwell Point lighthouse for a guided tour
More pictures of the 2013 Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour |
At the Atlantic Villa on Valentia Island where we all thoroughly enjoyed our stay in a gorgeous house. Lovely welcome with home made food, great night's sleep and a breakfast to die for
l-r Brian Morgan (co-owner) Bonda Garrison, Lisa Nardine, John Eagle (tour organiser) Greg Steffenson, Ted Garrison and Jackie Morgan (co-owner)
Lisa, Greg, Michael O'Driscoll our wonderful boatman, Ted and Bonda, visiting the Fastnet lighthouse June 2013 on the Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour |
Bonda taking a snap of the old wreck on Inisheer during the pony trap ride on the that we enjoyed so much. Many thanks to Eana |
The Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour with the tour bus at Galley Head lighthouse where we spent 2 nights |
Just in time for the 2013 Irish Lighthouse Southern tour I got my very own tour bus, which will now be used for all my tours, seen here at Loop Head in County Clare. My thanks to Tommy Hartnett and for Brian O'Sullivan of Eyeries for the signage |
Going on the Shannon ferry |
On June 19th I accepted an invitation to spend a night at the beautifully restored Clare Island lighthouse at the mouth of Clew Bay. A massive amount of work has gone into the restoration of this lighthouse by its owner Goesta Fischer and his business partner Roie. The B&B is now open for renting. How to stay there and more of my shots can be seen at Clare Island Lighthouse |
The new Mizen Bridge which has won several awards, looking stunning in the June sunshine with all the pink and yellow flowers. Prints are available and below picture shows work in progress putting in a new light at the Mizen. More views of this bridge can be seen if you click here |

Yvonne Shields (centre) CEO of Irish Lights who opened Cromwell Point lighthouse on Valentia Island to the public June 2nd 2013, on her right is Tom Curran the County Manager of Kerry County Council and on her left is Anthony O'Connell the Chairman of Valentia Island Development Company. With this lighthouse now open to the public the Southern Lighthouse Tour will be able to enter it each year

My Collins Press book 'Ireland's Lighthouses A Photo Essay by John Eagle' has just been reprinted, see below
2013 reprint

The new reprint has updated information on Howth, Bull and Roancarrig lighthouses, plus a couple of typos have been corrected. The other difference to the 2010 print is the back page, the reviews have been updated
Copies are now available from my website click here, and there are half a dozen copies of the original 2010 print run click here which I have signed, see below

Stena Nordica passing North Bull lighthouse on the East Coast tour

Matted and signed prints of Hook Head lighthouse now available click here

Hand made prints of this and other Hook Head shots now available from 8x6 to 40x30 inch prints

West Pier lighthouse at Dún Laoghaire

Took some new pictures of the Old Head of Kinsale click here to see them

Spitbank near Cobh in Cork Harbour

The new Mizen Bridge is the overall winner of this year's Irish Concrete Society Awards. Above cutting is from the Irish IndependentMay 9th and as you can see I took the picture

The 2013 East Coast Irish Lighthouse spent a wonderful couple of hours at the Rosslare Harbour Maritime Heritage Centre which had a display of RNLI exhibits on show. This visit was a highlight of the tour that everyone much enjoyed. In the above picture l-r are Leo Coy Secretary of Rosslare Harbour Maritime Enthusiasts, John Boyce the Chairman and Ray Wickham ex lighthouse keeper who made the model of the Dunbrody below and presented it to me as a gift. I was thrilled to receive it, not expecting the surprise at all. Thank you all very much

Members of the East Coast Irish Lighthouse Tour beside Youghal lighthouse: l-r Keith Morton, Ross Griffith, Judy Weeks, John Eagle, Pamela Griffith and Hendrik Schilpzand

Hook Head lighthouse in a storm. More views click here

Dunmore East pier and lighthouse, with Hook Head lighthouse in the distance
Youghal lighthouse at dawn. Prints available click here |
Spend two nights at Galley Head lighthouse with me and cruise round the Fastnet lighthouse at the end of June. I have the lighthouse booked for the nights of 28 and 29th of June, going to the Fastnet on the 29th. This offer is open to 4 people only at a cost of 200 euros per person. If you would like to do this then please Contact me |

Gathering of keepers at The Hook Lighthouse, September 13-15. This article above appeared in the Irish Examiner April 8th

Roancarrig lighthouse in Bantry Bay showing the new stainless steel tower, click here to find out the details of the new lighthouse

!st print nearly sold out, new printing coming soon with corrections and inclusion of new light details of Roancarrig and the Bull.
The book was first published in Spring 2010, so it has taken just 3 years to sell out. That makes me feel very proud. I wish to thank all of you who have bought my book
Click here to buy

Just heard that Cromwell Point is opening up to the public at Easter, so we will be going there on the June lighthouse tour

New postcard 15C is now available, replacing 15B which has now sold out

I had a 40x30 inch print of this shot of Ardnakinna done recently and was amazed by the drtail see below
I didn't realise there were so many seagulls in the picture, here's a couple, but there's many more all over the shot

Gerald Butler, the author of the above book will be giving us a slide show when we stay at Galley Head on the Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour

People often ask me which is my favourite picture of the Fastnet. This one is right up there among my favourites. Looks like the whole rock is being wrenched from the ocean. To see the image bigger please click here

Pictures taken during the Northern Lighthouse Tour are now available click here

The East Coast Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour starts May 5th in Skerries and runs until May 11th in Cobh. A 5 day gem of a tour that packs quite a punch as a lot will be seen. We will be in Dún Laoghaire, (above) where Irish Lights have their HQ, and also the Maritime Museum is there, we will visit the Baily lighthouse for a tour, go on a boat trip to the Tuskar, go on a tour inside the Hook Head lighouse which is the oldest working lighthouse in the World and we alsio see where the Titanic made her last port of call. So this is a tour not to be missed, please click here for more details

I just want to wish all my lighthouse friends a very Happy Peaceful Christmas and lighthousing New Year. Hopefully meet up with some of you again on one of my 3 lighthouse tours in 2013 The above picture is Arranmore, taken during the Northern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2012

Gerald Butler signing a copy of his book 'The Lightkeeper' for Claire O'Callaghan from Clonakilty who is home from England where she lives in York. Gerald, the Attendant at Galley Head lighthouse was launching his book of his memoirs in the Irish Lighthouse service at the Dunmore House Hotel near Clonakilty. The picture of the Fastnet on the back cover of the book was taken by me!

I have produced this resin model of the Fastnet lighthouse, going on sale as from today, each hand painted by me so no two will be exactly the same. It stands 3 inches high and 5 inches in length, 75g in weight. Click here to find out more
I have some images of Aussie lighthouses on my site, click here I have begun with Cape Wickham the tallest in the Southern Hemisphere
I have brought my Blog page back to life.
Hi all, I am back from my holidays in Australia and that means my books are now available again from me. If you had gone to order my books in the last couple of months you would have been taken to the Collins Press website who were looking after my sales for me. Many thanks to them. So I am back open for business and if you would like a copy of my books please click here

Hornby lighthouse at the entrance to Sydney Harbour
Please note I have been forced to change the start date of the August tour from 17th to the 16th of August

Come on tour with me in 2013, click here to see details of the tours |
The Eddystone |
Watchet |
Towards the end of September 2012 I flew over to England to give a slide show of my lighthouse photography to the ALK (Association of Lighthouse Keepers) at Devonport in Devon. It was the occasion of their AGM and I was the guest speaker, quite how I got so lucky to do this is beyond me. Anyway while I was a bit nervous of doing the slide show, it went well, in front of some 50 very knowledgeable people on lighthouses. I have always been the first to admit that I am first and foremost a lighthouse photographer, I get my enjoyment from taking pictures of them more than all the technical stuff, so I was a little wary. However my worries were soon swept away by the very nice audience. While I was in England, my first visit there for 21 years, I visited several lighthouses including Eddystone, Start Point, Watchet, Portland Bill and Plymouth Hoe.
If you would like to view a selection of my English lighthouse pictures please click here
I have added some new pictures of St.Johns Donegal (left) and Altacarry (Rathlin East) Also one of Rathlin West |
I have added some new views of Arranmore lighthouse, click here to see them |
Changes at The Baily, left picture shows how it was in 2011 when the Northern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour visited there, and right as it was when the Northern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour visited there in 2012. Note the metal grill floor |
I have ceased using my Irish Lighthouses Facebook wall, as I feel it is a total waste of time. Instead I have been writing a lighthouse blog
I have been forced to increase the prices of my lighthouses tours. The Northern Irish Extreme tour in August 2013 goes up by 100 euros to €1095 and the Southern Irish Extreme goes up to €1295 I still feel they are very good value for money as all transport (bus and boat trips) and places to stay are included in the price and I am on hand for help and advice for the duration of both tours
A nice blog written by Peter Goulding about my book click here
Northern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2013 announced, click here

Came across this during a clean up of my studio, a bookmark given out by Irish Lights at the Mizen Head Visitor's Centre when they celebrated 100 years of the Fastnet lighthouse there in 2004

The ILV Granuaile heading out into Bantry Bay with the Hebridean Princess coming into Berehaven. This and other pictures of vessels in Irish Waters can now be seen enlarged and avalable as prints by clicking here Please note, this particular image is a 35mm slide and for best results needs to be hand printed There is also a side view of the Granuaile on the website which is a 6x7 slide, and that too would be best hand print

This is the brochure for Loop Head lighthouse which is open to the public for guided tours May to September from 10am to 5.30pm. I conduct photographic workshops here, lots to take pictures of, wild and stormy and also occasionally tranquil. We stay in the cosy Keeper's Cottage. We also go to the south coast lighthouse of Galley Head and stay at the Keeper's Cottage there. It's all a lot of fun, and if you would like to be part of this then please contact me

August 4th Bantry Bay boat trip is cancelled due to storms, new date set for August 10th and also August 18th If you are interested then please contact me
You can now have my photographs on mugs, key fobs, book marks, as well as prints click here
Would you like to view a slide show of my Irish lighthouse pictures? Then click here sit back and enjoy

View pictures taken on the 2012 Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour |
We recently had the opportunity to be a part of the John Eagle Extreme LH Tour. We are lighthouse enthusiasts that have seen well over 275 LH's around the world and have taken many trips to seem them. This tour certainly ranks amongst the best we have ever done. Thank you John for a great tour. Many of the lights could only be seen from a boat, which was a fun part of the tour. The journey out to see the Fastnet LH was the best ever and I got some of the best LH pictures I have ever taken, look for them in Lighthouse Digest Magazine! Also, we loved the two night stay in the actual keepers quarters at Galley Head LH. Skellig Michael LH was fantastic, Tommy the tour driver was a riot, great B & B's, unbelievable Full Irish Breakfasts, nice pub stops, and on and on! We would certainly do it again.
Randy and Barb Hemstad, Minnesota, USA
There is a documentary series Cork Lighthouses and Foghorns will be broadcast on Life FM starting on Thursday July 26th at 3.30pm and repeated on Saturdays at 5.30pm. It will run for 9 weeks.
Each programme will be available to hear on podcast on for one week after each part is broadcast.

New photographs of the Fastnet click here

Just got this canvas print of Slyne Head made, A2 size, one of my all time favourite shots taken back in 1999

My 2012 Brochure is now ready to download, click here

Inisheer, the first lighthouse we see on the Southern Tour. Reservations are now open for the 2013 tour. Only 8 places available due to the number of beds available at Galley Head Keeper's Cottage and also it is great to have a small number of people. If you would like to be one of the 8 then click here please

Galley Head
We spent two nights at Galley Head Keeper's Cottages
Hook Head
We visited Hook Head on our second last day, going for a tour of the lighthouse

Outside Youghal lighthouse
l-r Maggie, Anna Lena, John, Barb, Randy, Richard, Janet, John Eagle and in the front Tommy Hartnett the bus driver

Members of the 2012 Extreme Irish Southern lighthouse tour leaving the Fastnet Rock lighthouse June 29th. Maggie, Barb, Randy, Richard, Anna Lena, Janet, John, it was fabulous spending a week with you, I hope we all meet up again sometime. I loved the craic on the bus
2 places have come available on my Northern Lighthouse Tour starting August 20th, going first to Galway then up the west coast through Galway to Blacksod for two nights (where there are 4 lighthouses all within easy driving distance) then its up to Sligo, Donegal, along the top of Ireland and down to Dublin, spending 3 nights at Blackhead lighthouse on the way. If a place on this tour, (it would suit a couple) is something you would like to do then please contact me This was advertised as an 8 day tour, but is in fact a nine day tour
Ordering prints of my work just became a whole lot easier, click here to see

buy a print
Buy a print

Some stamps of German lighthouses sent to me by Klaus Kern when he mailed me Leuchtfeuer |
A couple of old postcards very kindly supplied to me by a friend |
A review of my book and lighthouse tours has appeared in the great German lighthouse magazine Leuchtfeuer. My thanks to Klaus Kern for this. You can click on the article to make it bigger for reading if you so wish |

The cover of Beam volume 40, The Journal of the Irish Lighthouse Service 2011-2012
The cover photograph is Crookhaven taken by friend Kim Fahlen who was on the Southern Irish Lighthouse Tour 2011, well done Kim, great photograph

Please click on the above to hear me being interviewed on the radio

Today date can be turned upside down and will read the same. The same will happen on August 8th so be ready for it!!
Went through the Bull Rock tunnel May 5th 2012 on the Bantry Bay Lighthouse Tour, this time I did a video of us going through. First time I went from west to east, this time east to west so I guess I have been to the other world and come back to live the tail. Please click on the picture of the tunnel below to watch my video
To watch the video please click on the above picture

Visiting the Mizen

Featured on the front page of The County March 13th 2012 regarding my tours of Irish lighthouses
I was interviewed by Maria Burke of Life FM on February 29th, to hear it please click here
Announcing a new tour. Bantry Bay Lighthouse Tour. May and June Bank Holidays. 3-4 hour boat trips round the lighthouses of Bantry Bay, including Bull Rock, Fastnet, Calf, and Roancarrig. For details please click here
The light at Roancarrig has now been switched over to the new l.e.d. one ending 170 years of the old original lantern Feb 28th 2012
I made a video about my lighthouse photography, talking about my books and postcards. If you would like to view this please click here

Southern Irish Extreme Lighthouse Tour 2012
8 day tour June 24th to July 2nd
Meet the puffins at Skellig Michael on the Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour in June
picture courtesy of Sue Gilkey
Last Summer Mairéad Meade came to visit me to do a radio interview for a programme she has now released called 'Life in a Lighthouse' in association with UCC 98.3FM) I talk my books and why I take pictures of Irish lighthouses. She also visits The Mizen and talks to other people involved in Irish lighthouses. You can now listen to this programme click here documentary.html
The Northern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour has 2 vacancies

Lamp Winter 2011/12 is out and carries a great picture of the Fastnet lighthouse which we will visit in June 2012 as part of the Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour. The cover picture was taken by Nancy Ohlson who was on this year's tour. Inside you can read a great article by Kimberley Fahlen on the tour along the south coast of Ireland which we undertook in August of this year

I have increased the number of nights we stay at Blackhead lighthouse to 3, which will be lots of fun as we go to sleep with the big lantern light flashing through the windows. If you would like the thrill of spending time at this wonderful lighthouse then please click here

Above left show the PDG Squirrel helicopter Captain Pete Hodges used to fly parts of the new tower out to Roancarrig as seen right |

This is the future light at Roancarrig. The old tower will be shut permanently, and this placed outside it. The middle piece in the centre is the base, with the balcony piece going on top with the section on the extreme left being to the uppermost section with presumably the light on top. It will be powered by solar panels, and inspected once every 18 months or so. This cuts down visiting costs dramatically, and with the helicopter costing 20 euros a minute to run you can see why Irish Lights are doing it. Other lighthouses will follow, like the Bull and Tearaght |
Mizen Bridge wins Engineers Ireland Excellence Award. This mounted and signed print is available from me click here |
September/October 2011 |
I have been straying from home, venturing out across the big blue ocean to America |
visiting lighthouses like Chatham (above). I also went to Nubble and Plum Island lighthouses. I was in America because I had been invited to do an exhibition (below is the invite) of my oil paintings at the Eventide Gallery in Essex, Massachusetts. Here I did a slide show of my lighthouse photography and signed copies of my Collins Press book 'Ireland's Lighthouses ~ A Photo Essay' While I was over in the States I visited New York, something I have longed to do, but never found the courage or time, but with the help of my friends I got there and took some snaps |
August |
The 2011 Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour group at Josephine Geraghty's at Blacksod, Co. Mayo. 'We loved staying with you Josephine' l-r: Gary, John Eagle, Laura Chewning, Nancy Ohlson, ?, Josephine, Lynda, Judy Weeks and Tommy Hartnett
I have put up a selection of the pictures I took during
the Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour 2011, to view please click here |
The Irish Coastguard helicopter circling Blackrock, Sligo. Still don't know why it was there, but it made for a great picture |
Took the above picture whilst staying at Blackhead lighthouse in Co. Antrim during the Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour 2011. We were there for a couple of nights. The tour was split into two weeks. With me on the first week, a tour of lighthouses of Counties Clare, Kerry and Cork was Keith Morton (Hon Secretary of the ALK) Gerry Douglas Sherwood (President of the Alk) and other members, Peter Claus and Kirsten Hemplemann, Bette Keeping, Judy Weeks and Kim Fahlen. We also had the please of sisters Laura Chewning and Nancy Ohlson from the USA. The picture below shows them all out at the Fastnet Rock lighthouse at dawn. I am now putting together tours for 2012, one going along the South taking in the lighthouses of County Clare, Kerry, Cork, Waterford and Wexford, and one going up the west coast across the top and back down the east coast. Please click here to find out more |
April 2011 |
I went over to Hook Head to take some new pictures |
Duncannon North has been in the papers recently, as it is up for sale, please click on the above photograph to view my other pictures of it |
My 2011 brochure has been released, you can download the pdf free of charge by clicking on it

Visited to the lighthouse at Maspalomas in Gran Canaria January 30th, the middle picture shows dawn over Africa |
January 2011 |
Two of the pictures (June and July) in the Bord Gáis calendar were taken by me
As of January 11.1.11 fog horns in Ireland have been discontinued. Irish Lights say they are no longer required as most vessels at sea have GPS
I have started up a lighthouse dedicated wall on Facebook, to join just go there and search for Irish Lighthouses.
I am giving a tour of Cork and Kerry lighthouses starting August 15th at the Castle Hotel in Bunratty. I will give a slide show of my lighthouse photography, then the next day we start by going to Loop Head and then make our way round the coast and finishing up at the Fastnet. If you would like to join us then please click on the 'Lh Tour' tab above.
Some of you might notice is changing its appearance. It started awhile ago. I don't claim to be a wizard when it comes to web page designing but I like to keep my hand in and work away on the quiet when there is no photography to be doing. You can also click on the lighthouses in the header at the top and be taken directly to their own pages, ie Mizen, Fastnet, Skelligs and Inishtearaght. The other thing is my Indigo serer is full, so my site is cascading over onto other servers. It will take awhile to complete, so I hope you will bear with me while I am getting it all sorted out. Thank you for your patience
View pictures taken on the 2011 Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour
October 2010 |
Got to fly out to Skellig Michael October 30th to get some much needed new shots. To see more please click here |

New lighthouse under construction on Dinish Island, Castletownbere

Roancarrig lighthouse. Please click here for more images

27A is now available again with the tower fully intact, it was sliced in half in the first printing, but my printer has kindly corrected their mistake. The card does not have lettering on the front, like the original above

The Irish Lighthouse Series complete set is now €39 + shipping click here
My collie Suzie didn't quite make it into my new book 'Ireland's Lighthouses A Photo Essay' she was there with me on the island when I took the shots, so here for all you pet lovers is herself, dangerously close to the cliffs!

She was tearing round all over the place, she likes to chase birds, butterflies and basically anything that moves. She is a bit like a sports car, she does nought to 70 in about 3 seconds. The Bugatti Veron has nothing on my doggy
I have made a few changes to the Irish Lighthouse Series this Summer, getting shot of poorly printed cards and replacing them with new ones. The latest new addition is:
39B Straw Island which I did specifically for my loyal collectors who told me, quite rightly so, they could not see the lighthouse properly in 39A. I have also re-instated: |
60 Eagle Island as I feel it is a much better card to 60A. These postcards are now available to purchase, click here to do so
Thank all of you who were waiting for my new book
I sold out, a good complaint I suppose, but many of you I know were waiting and so thank you for your patience. I have fresh stocks in
I have just added pictures of Charles Fort in Kinsale which I took when I was there for the launch of my book 'Ireland's Lighthouses A Photo Essay'

From August I am replacing 60A with the above original of Eagle Island #60. I am not really sure why I ever brought out 60A (see below). I have stocks of it left for anyone who wants it, available in the Bargain Basement at 10c plus postage
My thanks to Tom MacSweeney the maritime correspondent, served for many years with RTÉ tv and radio, now retired. He officially launched my new book Ireland's Lighthouses - A Photo Essay in the Kinsale Bookshop in Kinsale July 15th.

l-r: Tom MacSweeney, Gillian Hennessy of Collins Press, John Eagle
picture: Denis Scannell, used courtesy of Irish Examiner
I very much enjoyed his speech and the launch, and the time I spent there. My thanks also to Kinsale Arts Week, Alannah Hopkin and The Collins Press for arranging the launch
My next new lighthouse postcard will be #39B Straw Island

Listen to me on RTE Radio 1 Seascapes (it is about 15 minutes into the programme)
As of July 1st all postcards off this site are only 40c + postage. I prefer payment with PayPal
Always striving to get my photographic work looking as good as possible I am now releasing new views of old numbers in the Irish Lighthouse Postcard Series. The new postcards I am really pleased with, arrived here today. Numbers 4A, 14A, 17B, 18A, 19A, 20A and 21A. Some of you might not have got the postcard #86A which I released in November of last year. All these postcards are available to buy on my website, click here Or if you wish to buy single postcards, click here
I have put up a new page to enable collectors to buy my postcards individually so if you are missing out on a few cards you can buy them from me. Individual postcards are now reduced to 40c each plus shipping click here
The Irish Times printed a picture of mine today, (June 14th) one I took of Blackrock Mayo, to go with an article on the 200 years of Irish Lights by Lorna Siggins
Click this link to read article by Lorna Siggins
May 2010

a stunning new paperback photo essay, entitled Ireland’s Lighthouses, which has just been published by maritime photographer, John Eagle, for Collins Press. Lorna Siggins, The Irish Times May 2010 Read other reviews click here

My first book 'An Eagle's View of Irish Lighthouses'. I have a limited stock of these books, all in unread mint condition and now out of print. It will not be reprinted. Each book is signed by me, the author and costs €45 plus postage. If you would like one then please click here |
Its here and waiting for you

My new book is now in stock. Please note, this book is much bigger to my first one and weighs a lot more, therefore the postage is more. Click here to order and I will post to you straight away. Please let me know if you would like me to sign it for you.
I still have stock of my first book
if you would like one
Here is your first glimpse of my new book. Just received an advance copy and I am really thrilled with the professional way The Collins Press have put my book together. Here are some sample pages so you can have a taste

Clare Island
Calf Rock
A special one for me, my white collie Quisha on the helicopter pad at Fanad
My new book is available to pre-order, list price is 19.99 but you can have it for 15.99 euros plus postage by clicking here I will sign and dedicate it for you if you wish.
Took a spin down to Clonakilty Model Village, great to walk round and see the models and railway. Below is a shot of their model of the Fastnet with trains passing by

Roancarrig Lighthouse in Bantry Bay features in the new
Neil Jordan movie 'Ondine' which was shot in the Summer of 2008 and Premiered in Castletownbere March 2010. The movie is about a mermaid, and stars Colin Farrell
Proposed Lighthouse Tour starting June 24th. Need 6 people to make up group. If you are interested in coming along please get in touch. Click the Contact Me tab above
January 2010

Here is the cover of my new book, to be published by the Collins Press in May of this year
December 2009
I have been working on the proofs for my new lighthouse book ‘Ireland’s Lighthouses – a photo essay by John Eagle’ for much of November. The way Collins Press of Cork have put my book together has got me very excited, their graphic designer is absolutely marvellous. My new book covers all the lighthouses of Ireland with lots of new pictures that I have taken over the ten year period since my first book came out in 1999. Hopefully the book will be on sale by May 2010. I am so looking forward to it. I shall have some to sell, but they should be available in all good bookshops everywhere. Book sellers wanting to stock my book will need to get in touch with The Collins Press
Clare Island postcard 86A
Lighthouse Postcard Sets now have 86A in them see below

I made a 20x16 inch canvas print of this shot and was so impressed by the result I have decided to make a postcard from it as well. # 86A is now available replacing #86 which shows the cliffs but not much of the actual lighthouse
Needing a new picture for my forthcoming book to be published by Collins Press of Cork I went up to Clare Island to take some new shots. I spent a night on the island with Mary and John Moran at their excellant B&B Seabreeze and was taken up to the lighthouse at dawn by Mary's brother Christy. To see more pix please click here |
August 2009 |
Southern Extreme Irish Lighthouse Tour 2009

Leaving the Fastnet are from left: Dave and Phyllis Idell, Mary Borkowski, Tommy Hartnett (our bus driver), Tom Chisholm, Darlene Chisholm and Phil Borkowski
My Lighthouse Tour got off to a flying start in Bunratty on July 27th where I performed a slide show of my lighthouse photography to 40 members of the US Lighthouse Society at the Bunratty Castle Hotel. Next day 6 of the members came with me on a tour of the Cork and Kerry lighthouses starting with Beeves Rock and Tarbert on the

Shannon, then Little Samphire Island in Tralee Bay.

The group at Little Samphire Island
left to right: Mary and Phil Borkowski, Phyllis and Dave Idell, Darlene and Tom Chisolm
Later that day we saw Cromwell Point on Valentia Island and spent the night in Cahirciveen.

July 29th saw us visit the Skellig Experience Museum in Port Magee, followed by a boat trip out to the rock.

Photographing Skellig Michael lighthouses old and new
The pilot of the boat took us so we could photograph both the old and present lighthouses of Skellig Michael. The sea was rolling but we didn't mind as we all got great shots.

Dave and Phyllis Idell making their way up Skellig Michael
Afterwards we went on the rock and climbed the steps to the beehive monastery. Later we drove to Eyeries. July 30 we spent on the Beara Peninsula.

Visiting the Bull Rock
We went for an exciting speed boat trip from Castletownbere to the Bull Rock, taking in the Calf Rock on the way,

The Calf Rock
also Ardnakinna and Roancarrig.

Photographing Roancarrig in Bantry Bay
July 31 we visited the Mizen Head Visitor's Centre, with a walk

across the famous suspension bridge.

The Fastnet
We spent the night at The Heron's Cove in Goleen and got up at the crack of dawn August 1st for a boat trip out to the Fastnet where waves were crashing over the rocks and with the dawn light it was a spectacle that will live in our minds for a long time to come.

The Heron's Cove where we stayed and had a fabulous meal
If you would like to come on an Irish Lighthouse tour with me please Click Here
July 2009
I have just signed a new publishing contract with Collins Press of Cork to write a new book on Irish Lighthouses. The book will be published in the Spring 2010
Canvas prints, no need for a frame, just hang 'em on the wall
Special Offer
A2 canvas print (24x16 inches) €100 plus postage
A3 canvas print (16x12) €80 plus postage
Available on any picture on my website. No need for a frame, just hang it on the wall. Makes for an affordable present for that special occasion that will be greatly appreciated. Just tell me which picture of mine you would like made into a canvas print
Specially signed Irish lighthouse postcards now available, click here for more details
June 2009
Took this shot of Inishtearaght June 3rd with my Canon EOS 5D mk2. I have longed to do this because my 30A shot of Inishtearaght was cut off on the right side see below which I took 1996. I love this Blasket Isle location. My thanks to The Commissioners of Irish Lights and Capt. Peter Hodges. Please click here for more pictures

I also re-shot Cromwell Point, see below
More pictures of Cromwell Point click here
April 2009

The Irish Lights tender Granuaile visiting Berehaven. She is seen here moored between Bere Island and Dinish Island
I will be releasing two new lighthouse postcards towards the end of this month, 2F and 3C. This is with the very kind assistance of Sue Hill at The Herons Cove in Goleen and will have the Mizen sponsorship on them. To see both click here 2 F is below
Flew down to the Fastnet lighthouse on the 2nd to get myself some fresh pictures of this fabulous lighthouse. Also took in Crookhaven, Mizen, Sheeps Head and Ardnakinna.
My thanks to The Commissioners of Irish Lights for letting me go there and to Capt. Colm Martyn for flying me in the new Irish Helicopters Eurocopter 135

Fastnet Lighthouse


Mizen Bridge

Sheeps Head
March 2009
Got my first flight in the new Irish Lights helicopter, the Eurocopter 135, on Friday 13th (Lucky for some).

Here seen taking off for a flight to Skellig Michael. A stunningly beautiful machine both inside and out. It came into service in December 2008 and replaces the Bolkow from which I did so many of my aerial shots. On this occasion I flew up the bay to Roancarrig, one of the pictures can be seen below. My thanks to Peter Hodges for flying me.
This and all shots seen here were taken thru the window of the helicopter. Canon EOS 5D mk2 with EF 28m. I had the 24-105L with me, but it was so much easier to use the 28m inside the confines of the helicopter. Being a shorter lens means there is less likelihood of camera shake as well.
Just to the north of Roancarrig lighthouse is this small island famous for its wreck. Weather beaten by constant storms there is not much left of the wreck.

I took the above shot of Castletownbere as we came back to land at the helicopter pad. A dull enough day, got much worse than this after we landed.

If you wish to order a copy of my book from me please let me know if you would like me to sign and dedicate it to someone. Click here to order

It never ceases to surprise me how many people are interested in my Irish Lighthouse Series postcards. I am really glad, because they have taken up a considerable part of my life and are something I am truly proud of. Thank you for making me so happy
January 2009
Got a phone call from a production team making a programme about storms at lighthouses for the Discovery Channel. They wanted to ask which lighthouse I would recommend on the Irish coast that would look good during a storm. It was a toss up between Roancarrig and Cromwell Point on Valentia Island. I looked up the weather forcast for the weekend and noted there was a big storm on the way, so I decided to head over to Cromwell Point for some wave action. However leaving Killarney on the Cahirciveen Road soon proved far too dangerous for the likes of me. Branches were being blown down, one narrowly missed my car, so half-way to Killorglin I reluctantly turned the car round and headed back home. I crossed over the Beara Peninsula on the Caha Pass tunnel road and drove down the southern shore of the peninsula. My reward was the picture below of Roancarrig getting a pounding in Bantry Bay. Looks a bit like a mighty submarine about to submerge!
taken with Canon EOS 5D mk2 + EF 200 2.8
© John Eagle Photography |